

The One Where Dr. Remore Dies
Originally written by ???.
Transcribed by Josh Hodge.
218 瑞摩瑞医生之死
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Everyone except Ross is there watching Days of Our Lives.]

AMBER: Oh Drake.

DR. REMORE: I'm sorry Amber. It's just like Brad to have to have the last word.
have the last word在争论中硬要说出最后一句话,强辩到底

[Ross enters]

ROSS: I'm sorry I'm late, what happened?

MONICA: We, we just wanna see the end.

AMBER: I want you Drake.

DR. REMORE: I know you do but you and I can never be together that way.

AMBER: What?

DR. REMORE: There's something I never told you Amber. I'm actually your half-brother.
half-brother n.同母异父[同父异母]兄弟/There's something I never told you Amber. I'm actually your half- brother: a brother related through one parent only

[Everyone gasps. The show ends.]

RACHEL: So what happens next?

JOEY: Well, I get the medical award for separating the siamese twins. Then Amber and I go to Venezuela to meet our other half-brother, Ramone. And that's where I find the world's biggest emerald. It's really big but it's cursed.
Siamese twins n.连体婴儿/Venezuela n.委内瑞拉(南美洲北部国家)/emerald n.绿宝石/curse v.诅咒/ Well, I get the medical award for separating the siamese twins. Then Amber and I go to Venezuela to meet our other half-brother, Ramone. And that's where I find the world's biggest emerald. It's really big but it's cursed: siamese twins means one of a pair of identical twins born with their bodies joined at some point; emerald means a rich green variety of beryl( n.绿柱石)prized as a gemstone(n.经雕琢的宝石)

CHANDLER: God that is good TV.


[Scene: Chandler and Eddie's apartment. Chandler is at the foosball table trying to get Phoebe to play a game with him.]

CHANDLER: Phoebs, play with meeee.

PHOEBE: No. This game is grotesque. Twenty armless guys joined at the waist by a steel bar20个手无寸铁的男人被一根铁棒在腰间串在一起, forced to play soccer forever. Ahh, hello, human-rights violation.
grotesque adj.奇形怪状的,奇异的/armless adj.手无寸铁的/human-rights violation侵犯人权/No. This game is grotesque. Twenty armless guys joined at the waist by a steel bar, forced to play soccer forever. Ahh, hello, human-rights violation: BIZARRE(adj.稀奇古怪的)

CHANDLER: Ya know Phoebs, don't feel so bad for 'em. After they're done playing, I break out the little plastic women and everybody has a pretty good time.
break out取出

PHOEBE: Why don't you play with your roommate?

CHANDLER: Ah he's a, he's not a big fan of foosball.

PHOEBE: Uh oh, ooh, are we not getting along with the new boy?

CHANDLER: No he's, he's alright, just uh, he spends most of his time in his room.

PHOEBE: Maybe that's because you haven't taken the time to get to know him. Let's remedy that, shall we?
remedy vt.补救

CHANDLER: We don't need to remedy that.

PHOEBE: Oh yeah, it'll be fun. [throws a tennis ball at Eddie's bedroom door]

EDDIE: What was that什么事?

PHOEBE: Hi, um, I just thought that it would be fun if the three of us had some beers and got to know each other.

EDDIE: Yeah alright, that sounds alright.

PHOEBE: Oh good, ok. Oh nooo, I have to go because I'm late for my um, Green Eggs and Ham discussion group. Um tonight it's why he would not eat them on a train. Have fun bye.
ham n.火腿/Green Eggs and Ham:菲比说自己要去参加的讨论小组叫做《绿蛋和火腿》,这是瑟斯博土最畅销的儿童小说之一。里面的主人公“我是山姆”让一个多疑的人相信绿蛋和火腿放在一起是一种美味。为了说服这个多疑的人,“我是山姆”想出了很多烹调方法:在房间里,在船上,在盒子里……所以菲比说,他们的讨论小组今天讨论的题目是为什么“我是山姆”不在列车上烹调/ I have to go because I'm late for my um, Green Eggs and Ham discussion group. Um tonight it's why he would not eat them on a train: Green Eggs and Ham is a famous book for children by Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss is the pen name of Theodor Seuss Geisel (March 2, 1904 - September 24, 1991) who was an American writer and cartoonist best known for his collection(n.文学集) of children's books. In 1960 Bennett Cerf bet Geisel $50 that he couldn't write an entire book using only fifty words. The result was Green Eggs and Ham. (大家一定还没忘了他的Yertle the Turtle把)

CHANDLER: That was so lame.
lame adj. 跛足的,(辩解、论据等)无说服力的

PHOEBE: I know, yeah. Ok, talk to him. [leaves]

CHANDLER: So, you uh, you think that Speed Racer guy赛车手 gets a lot of tickets(n.罚单) er?
So, you uh, you think that Speed Racer guy gets a lot of tickets er: The Speed Racer is an animated cartoons(动画片) started as the 1967 Japanese anime Mach Go Go Go. The central character was a young stock car(n.运牲口的火车车辆)driver named Mifune Go. The M logo on the hood(n.引擎罩) of his race car and the front of his helmet(n.头盔) stood for his family name Mifune, and the given name(n.教名) Go also happens to be how the number of the race car, five, is said in Japanese. The central character, in American version, now named Speed Racer, had a younger brother named Spritle who along with his pet chimpanzee(n.黑猩猩) Chim-Chim constantly got into mischief(n.危害,故障)

[Scene: Chandler and Eddie's apartment. Chandler and Eddie are talking.]

EDDIE: That's good, that's good. So, so, so who broke up with who?

CHANDLER: What're you kidding? I broke up with her. She actually thought that Sean Penn was the capital of Cambodia.
Camodia n.高棉, 柬埔寨/Sean Penn:钱德勒和新室友埃迪聊天,钱德勒聊起他以前和一个女友分手的理由,因为那个姑娘真的认为“肖恩•潘(Sean Penn)”是柬埔寨的首都。肖恩•潘是好莱坞的明星,柬埔寨的首都实际上是金边(Phnom Penh)。可惜,连钱德勒自己都不知道。

EDDIE: That's good man, when everybody knows that the uh, the capital of Cambodia is uh...

CHANDLER: Well it's not Sean Penn.

EDDIE: Not Sean Penn. Alright, I, I've got a funny one, alright. My last girlfriend Tilly. Ok, we're eating breakfast, right, and I made all these pancakes, there was like 50 pancakes right. And all of the sudden she turns to me, alright, and she says, 'Eddie.' I say, 'yeah,' she says, 'Eddie, I don't want to see you anymore.' And it was literally like she had reached into my chest, ripped out my heart, and smeared it all over my life, ya know. And now there's like this incredible abyss, ya know, and I'm falling and I keep falling and I don't think I'm ever gonna stop. [finishes laughing] That uh, wasn't such a funny story, was it?
pancake n.薄烤饼/rip out拉开,剥开/smear v.涂抹(油腻);诽谤,毁坏/abyss n.深渊

[Scene: Central Perk. Phoebe is singing. Monica, Richard, Ross, and Rachel are listening.]

PHOEBE: And a crusty old man said I'll do what I can and the rest of the rats played moroccas. That's it, thanks, good night.
crust n.面包,饼等的皮/crusty adj.脾气暴躁的,有硬皮的/morocca n.沙球/And a crusty old man said I'll do what I can and the rest of the rats played moroccas: crusty means rough or surly(adj.粗暴的) in manner; moroccas= maracas, a percussion instrument(n.打击乐器) of Latin American origin. A maraca is a gourd(n.葫芦) filled with seeds(n.种子) or beads(n.珠子) that rattles(v.发出卡嗒卡嗒声)when shaken. Maracas are usually played in pairs.

RICHARD: Phoebe's got another job, right?

RACHEL: Great set tonight唱得很好 Phoebs.

PHOEBE: I know.

ROSS: Well, we should probably get going.

RICHARD: Um, we should go too, I got patients at 8 in the moring.

MONICA: Ya know, I was thinking. Ya know how we always stay at your apartment? Well, I thought maybe tonight we'd stay at my place.

RICHARD: I don't know, I don't have my jammies.
jammy n.睡衣

MONICA: Well, maybe you don't need them.

ROSS: My baby sister我的小妹妹, ladies and gentlemen.

MONICA: Shut up, I'm happy.

PHOEBE: Oh, this is so nice. Alright I have to make a speech. I just wanna say that of all the guys that Monica has been with, and that is a lot, I like you the best.
make a speech 说一段话/that is 就是说,即(=namely)

RICHARD: Oh, thank you Phoebs. That's very sweet.


RICHARD: Hear that? She likes me best, and apparently there've been a lot.

MONICA: Not a lot, Phoebe's kidding, Phoebe's crazy.

RACHEL: Phoebe's dead.

[Scene: Chandler and Eddie's apartment. Chandler is there. There's a knock at the door. He answers it to see a young woman holding a fishtank.]
fishtank n.鱼缸



TILLY: I'm looking for Eddie Minowick.

CHANDLER: Oh, uh, he's not here right now, uh, I'm Chandler, can I take a message, or, or a fishtank?

TILLY: Thanks.

CHANDLER: Oh, oh, c'mon in.

TILLY: I'm Tilly.


TILLY: I gather by that oh that he told you about me.
gather v.猜想,推测(I gather she is looking for a job)/I gather by that oh that he told you about me: to reach a conclusion often intuitively(adv.直觉地) from hints or through inferences(n.推论)

CHANDLER: Oh yeah, your uh, name came up in a uh, conversation that terrified me to my very soul.
come up 被提过/terrified me to my very soul令我惊心动魄

TILLY: He's kind of intense huh?
intense adj.激烈的

CHANDLER: Yes. Hey, can I ask you, is Eddie a little...

EDDIE: [walks around corner] A little what?

CHANDLER: Bit country? C'mon in here you roomie.
roomie n. <口>=roommate室友

EDDIE: Hello Tilly.

TILLY: Eddie, I just came by to drop off your tank.
drop off送过来

EDDIE: That's very thoughtful of you. It's very thougtful.
thoughtful adj.体贴的, 关切的

TILLY: Well, ok then. I'm gonna go. Bye.

EDDIE: Bye-bye.


[Tilly leaves]

CHANDLER: So, we gettin' a fish?

EDDIE: You had sex with her didn't you?

[Scene: Central Perk. Joey enters with several magazines and runs up to Phoebe.]

JOEY: Phoebs, check it out, check it out, check it out, check it out.

PHOEBE: Oh, ooh, Soap Opera Digest, oh that's one of my favorite digests.
Soap Opera Digest:乔伊的访谈上了《肥皂剧文摘》,这是美国介绍肥皂剧人物和节目内容的一本文摘杂志,也是phoebe的挚爱。

JOEY: Page 42, page 42, page 42.

PHOEBE: Ok, ok, ok. Ooh, hey 'new doc on the block, Days of Our Lives' Joey Tribbiani.' Ooh, cool picture.
block n.街区/Ooh, hey 'new doc on the block, Days of Our Lives' Joey Tribbiani: for sale(待售)

JOEY: Ooh, I look good.

PHOEBE: Hey is this true, that you write a lot of your own lines?
line n.台词

JOEY: Uh, well, kinda yeah. Like, remember last week when Alex was in the accident? Well the line in the script was, 'If we don't get this woman to a hospital, she's going to die.' But I made it, ' If this woman doesn't get to a hospital, she's not gonna live.'
script n.台词

PHOEBE: Ohh, ok, I see what you did there. Aren't you afraid though, that the writers are gonna be kinda mad when they read this?
writer n.编剧/mad adj.生气的

JOEY: Huh? Never really thought about the writers. The scripts just kinda come to my house. But you know what? This makes me look good, which makes the show look good, which makes the writers look good so how could they be mad about that?

[Scene: At a writer's desk. The writer is working on a script for Days of Our Lives.]

WRITER: Makes up编写 most of his lines. Son-of-a-. Yeah, well, write this jerkweed.
jerkweed n.a jerk, but worse

[Scene: Joey's apartment. The next script is being delivered.]

JOEY: I fall down an elevator shaft? What the hell does this mean, I fall down an elevator shaft?
shaft n.(机器等的)轴,(矿井的)通道/elevator shaft n.电梯,升降梯/I fall down an elevator shaft: a vertical shaft in a building to permit the passage of an elevator from floor to floor

DELIVERY GUY: Uhh, I don't know, I just bring the scripts.

JOEY: They can't kill me, I'm Francesca's long lost son.

DELIVERY GUY: Right. Could you sign this?

JOEY: No. No way, I'm not signing that.

DELIVERY GUY: I don't think that's gonna affect the plot of the show.
plot n.剧情,情节

JOEY: How can they do this to me?

DELIVERY GUY: Er, uh, I'm just gonna go. Sorry.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica, Richard, Ross, and Rachel are returning.]

MONICA: Well it wasn't that many guys. I mean, if you consider how many guys there actually are, it's a very small percentage.

RACHEL: Hey, it's not that big a deal, I was just curious.

ROSS: G'night.

RICHARD: Night Richard. Good luck Mon.

MONICA: Alright, before I tell you, uh, why don't you tell me how many women you've been with.


MONICA: Two? TWO? How is that possible? I mean, have you seen you?

RICHARD: Well, I mean what can I say? I, I was married to Barbara for 30 years. She was my high school sweetheart, now you, that's two.
be married to与……结婚/sweetheart n.情人,爱人

MONICA: Two it is. Ok, time for bed, I'm gonna go brush my teeth. [goes in the bathroom]
brush one’s teeth刷牙

RICHARD: Woah, woah, no wait a minute now. C'mon it's your turn. Oh c'mon. Ya know, I don't need the actual number, just a ballpark.
ballpark n.约略估计的数目;<美>棒球场/Ya know, I don't need the actual number, just a ballpark: near to the scope or range of something

MONICA: Ok, it is definitely less than a ballpark.

[Rachel's bedroom]

RACHEL: Wow, I am so glad I'm not Monica right now.

ROSS: Tell me about it那还用说. So what, what's your magic number?

RACHEL: Uhhhooo.

ROSS: C'mon, you know everyone I've been with. All, both of them.

RACHEL: Well, there's you.

ROSS: Better not be doin' these in order.

RACHEL: Ok, uh, Billy Dreskin, Pete Carney, Barry, and uh, oh, Paolo.

ROSS: Oh yes, the weenie from Torrini.
weenie n.蠢蛋/Oh yes, the weenie from Torrini: weenie means a person, especially a man, who is regarded as being weak and ineffectual(adj.不成功的,无效的)

RACHEL: Oh honey, are you jealous of Paolo? Oh, c'mon, I'm so much happier with you than I ever was with him.

ROSS: Really?

RACHEL: Oh please. That Paolo thing was barely(adv.几乎不能) a relationship. All it really was was just, ya know, meaningless animal sex. Ok, ya know, that sounded soooo much better in my head.

[Scene: Chandler and Eddie's apartment.]

CHANDLER: Eddie, I didn't sleep with your ex-girlfriend.

EDDIE: That's very interesting, ya know, 'cause that's exactly what someone who slept with her would say.

CHANDLER: This is nuts. This is crazy. She came over for like two minutes, dropped off a fish tank, and left, end of story.

EDDIE: Where's Buddy?


EDDIE: My fish, Buddy.

CHANDLER: There was no fish when she dropped it off.

EDDIE: Oh, this is, this is unbelievable. I mean, first you sleep with my ex-girlfriend then you insult my intelligence by lying about it and then you kill my fish, my Buddy?
insult v.侮辱/insult my intelligence当我是傻子

CHANDLER: Hey I didn't kill your fish. Look Eddie...[puts his hand on Eddie's shoulder] Would you look at what I'm doin' here. That can't be smart. So we're just gonna take this guy right off ya and put him here in Mr. Pocket. Tangellon? [picks up the fruit an tosses it to Eddie, it hits Eddie in the chest and falls]
Tangellon n.橙子/ Would you look at what I'm doin' here. That can't be smart. So we're just gonna take this guy right off ya and put him here in Mr. Pocket. Tangellon: trademark for tangelo(n.[植]蜜柑与柚子的杂交植物或其果实) a large sweet juicy hybrid between tangerine(n.橘子) and grapefruit(n.柚子) having a thick wrinkled skin (橘柚)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Richard are in Monica's bedroom.]

RICHARD: That's it? That's the giant number you were afraid to tell me?

MONICA: Well yeah.

RICHARD: Well, that's not bad at all那还好吧. I mean, you had me thinkin it was like a fleet.
fleet n.舰队,船队

MONICA: You really ok with it?

RICHARD: Oh honey, I'm fine.

MONICA: Oh, yay. Ok about that two.

RICHARD: What? Alright, what about my two?

MONICA: Well, it just seems like a really small number.

RICHARD: Right, and...

MONICA: And, well, don't you have a lot of wild oats to sew? Or is that what you're doing with me? Oh my God, am I an oat?
oats n.燕麦/wild oats n.<俚>(年轻人的)轻率,放荡不羁/sew vt.缝制or sow p.p:播种/oat n.[植]燕麦, 麦片粥/And, well, don't you have a lot of wild oats to sew? Or is that what you're doing with me? Oh my God, am I an oat: SOW ONE’S WILD OATS – "The wild oat is a common tall plant that looks like its relative(n.近亲) the cereal plant oat, but is really a pernicious(adj.有害的) weed(n.野草,杂草) that infests the planting fields of Europe, and is difficult to eradicate(v.根除). The wild oat’s uselessness has been known since ancient times and for almost as long we have had the expression to ‘sow wild oats,’ ‘to conduct oneself foolishly,’ to sow weedseed instead of good grain. The expression usually refers to a young man frittering(v.浪费) his time away in fruitless dissipation(n.挥霍), or to the prolific(adj.多产的) sexual activities of a young man, and is always said indulgently(adv.放任的;indulge v.沉迷于) of the young.

RICHARD: Honey, you are not an oat. I, I mean I don't know, I, I guess I'm just not an oat guy. I've only slept with women I've been in love with.

MONICA: But you've only slept with two people.


MONICA: Wow. Oh wow. You know I love you too, right.

RICHARD: Now I do. [they kiss and fall to the bed]

[Ross and Rachel are in Rachel's bedroom]

RACHEL: Ross, Ross, please listen to me. Ross, you are so much better for me than Paolo ever was. I mean you care about me, you're loving, you make me laugh.

ROSS: Oh, hey, if I make you laugh, here's an idea, why don't you invite Paulo over and have a little romp in the sack and I'll just stand in the corner and tell knock-knock jokes.
romp n.玩耍,嬉戏/Oh, hey, if I make you laugh, here's an idea, why don't you invite Paulo over and have a little romp in the sack, and I'll just stand in the corner and tell knock-knock jokes: romp means to have sexual intercourse(=have a sex) with (romp in the sack =roll in the hay); sack means bed/ The knock-knock joke is a type of joke, probably the best known format(n.形式) of the pun(n.双关语), and is a time-honored(adj.历史悠久的) "call and answer" exercise. It is a role-play exercise, with a protagonist(n.主人公) (the punster(n.喜欢说双关语者)) and an antagonist(n.敌手) (the recipient(n.容纳者) of wit). The standard format has five lines: punster: knock-knock (indicating a door has been struck to gain attention) The recipient: Who's there? (an enquiry询问者) The punster: a response, usually involving a name (to set up the pun), The recipient: repeat the response, adding who? -- a request for clarification The punster: the punch line, which inevitably involves a punnish misusage(n.滥用) of the word set up during the response (简单的说 这就是一个一问一答的游戏 二方 通过英语的双关谐音来猜出对方所要说的单词 或词组 这对扩大单词量和个人的敏捷度 很不错 你看了下面几个列子就马上明白了 很不错的游戏 你也可以和你的朋友玩哦) Some examples: 1.Knock knock Who's there? José José who? José can you see by the dawn's early light? 注解JO 在西班牙语里发音是HO (Oh say, can you see by the dawn's early light? -- from US's national anthem.) 2.Knock knock Who's there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you going to open the door? (Aren't you going to open the door?)

RACHEL: God, Ross, look, what you and I have is special, all Paolo and I ever had was...

ROSS: Animal sex, animal sex? So what're you saying, I mean, you're saying that like, there's nothing between us animal at all. I mean there's not even like, uhm, a little animal, not even, not even like, like chipmunk sex?
animal n.兽性/chipmunk n.[动] 花栗鼠/I mean there's not even like, uhm, a little animal, not even, not even like, like chipmunk sex: The chipmunk is a general name for any small squirrel-like(adj.像松鼠似的) rodent [动物] 啮齿目的 species in the family Sciuridae(n.松鼠科动物), genus Tamias(小栗鼠)

RACHEL: Ok, Ross, try to hear me. Ok, I, hey, I'm not gonna lie to you. Ok, it was good with Paolo.

ROSS: Knock-knock.

RACHEL: But, what you and I have is so much better. Ok, we have tenderness, we have intimacy, we connect. Ya know, I swear, this is the best I have ever had.
tenderness n.温柔/intimacy n.亲密

ROSS: Until now. [jumps on Rachel on the bed]

[later in the bathroom Monica is looking in the drawer, Rachel runs up跑过来]

RACHEL: Oh, hi.

MONICA: Hi. Richard just told me he loves me.

RACHEL: Oh my God, honey that's great.

MONICA: I know. I just can't find...

RACHEL: Oh they're in the top drawer. Hurry.

MONICA: You need one too?

RACHEL: Ooooh yeah.

[they pull out拿出 the box of condoms but there's only one left]

MONICA: There's only one.

RICHARD: Monica.

MONICA: Hi. Uh, we'll be right there, we're just trying to decide something. [shuts the bathroom door]

ROSS: [comes out of the bedroom] Rachel. [growls then sees Richard standing there] Hey.
growl v.咆哮, 发牢骚地说

RICHARD: Hey. They're just trying to decide somehting.

ROSS: Good, good, good. So, is uh, was your moustache, did, used to be different?


ROSS: Oh. How do you uh, ya know, keep it so neat?

RICHARD: I have a little comb(n.梳子).

ROSS: Oh. And what do you call that?

RICHARD: A moustache comb.

RACHEL: Ok, I, I will do your laundry for one month.
do your laundry为你洗衣服


RACHEL: Ok, ok, ok, I will, I will, I, hey, I will clean the apartment for two months.

MONICA: Alright, I tell you what, I'll give this to you now if you can tell me where we keep the dustpan.
dustpan n.畚箕, 粪斗

RACHEL: Agghhh.

ROSS: So were you in Nam?
Nam=(Viet Nam) n.越南

RACHEL: Rock-paper-scissors?


RACHEL and MONICA: One two three. [Rachel picks rock, Monica picks scissors]

RACHEL: Yeesss.

MONICA: Fine, go have sex.

RICHARD: No. You have got it completely wrong. John Savage was deerhunter, no legs, John Voit was coming home, couldn't feel his legs.
deerhunter n.猎鹿人/ couldn't feel his legs脚瘫痪了/John Savage,John Voight:罗斯和理查德医生都在莫尼卡的公寓里寻找避孕套,罗斯问理查德有没有去过越南。两人后来就开始讨论越战电影,理查德告诉罗斯:“你完全搞错了,约翰•萨维奇(John Savage)是《猎鹿人》里面被截肢的那个,而约翰•沃伊特(John Voight)是回家来双脚瘫痪的那个。”罗斯则说正好相反。事实是理查德医生是对的,约翰•沃伊特是越战电影《回家》中的主角,他演的角色双脚瘫痪,但和简•芳达饰演的角色相恋了。

ROSS: No, no way. You've got it totally the other way around my friend. John Voit was...
the other way around adv.完全相反地,从相反方向地(=in reverse)

RACHEL: Honey.

ROSS: What, what oh....[Ross and Rachel go into her room]

RICHARD: Shall we?

MONICA: It's not gonna happen. They're doing it tonight, we can do it tomorrow.

RICHARD: Uh, in the future, if I could see the schedule beforehand...
beforehand adv.预先

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. All but Joey are present.]

CHANDLER: So, when I woke up this morning, he'd stolen all the insoles out of my shoes.
insole n.鞋内底, 鞋垫/So, when I woke up this morning, he'd stolen all the insoles out of my shoes: a loose thin strip(n.条) placed inside a shoe for warmth or comfort


CHANDLER: Because he thinks I slept with his ex-girlfriend and killed his fish.

PHOEBE: Why would you kill his fish?

CHANDLER: Because sometimes, Phoebe after you sleep with someone, you have to kill the fish.

RACHEL: Chandler honey, I'm sorry. Ok, can we watch Joey's show now please? [they turn on the TV]

ROSS: Yeah.

MONICA: Wait, he's not here yet.

RACHEL: So, he's on the show, he knows what happens.

ROSS: Yeah.

MONICA: Alright.

CHANDLER: Oh, I'm fine about my problem now我已经解除困扰了, by the way.

RACHEL: Oh good.

DR. REMORE: Amber, I want you to know that I'll always be there for you, as a friend and as your brother.

AMBER: Oh Drake.

DR HORTON: Hard day huh? First the medical award, this.

DR. REMORE: Some guys are just lucky I guess.

INTERCOM: Dr. Remore, report to first floor emergency到一楼急症室报到, stat.
stat: asap(as soon as possible), right away, without delay

DR. REMORE: Well then, uh, I uhh, guess that's me. Anyone else need to go on the elevator? Dr. Horton, Dr. Wong?

DR. HORTON: No, no, they only said you.

DR. REMORE: Oh, ok. Alright.

AMGER: I love you Drake.

DR. REMORE: Yeah, whatever随便你怎么说. Oh no.

AMBER: Drake, look out.

DR. REMORE: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

MONICA: Did they just kill off Joey?
kill off消灭

ROSS: No. [sound of Dr. Remore's body hitting the bottom of the shaft] Now maybe.

[Scene: Joey's apartment. Everyone is outside knocking.]

ROSS: C'mon.


ROSS: Open up. We want to talk to you.

JOEY: I don't feel like talkin我不想和你们谈.
feel like意欲, 摸上去如同

RACHEL: Oh c'mon Joey, we care about you.

CHANDLER: We're worried about you.

MONICA: And some of us really have to pee内急.

[Joey opens the door]

MONICA: Sorry Joey [runs to the bathroom]

JOEY: Hey.

PHOEBE: Listen, sorry about your death, that really sucks.

CHANDLER: We came over as soon as we saw.
come over过来

ROSS: How could you not tell us?

JOEY: I don't know, I was kinda hopin' no one would ever find out.

RACHEL: Well, maybe they can find a way to bring you back.

JOEY: Naa, they said that when they found my body, my brain was so smashed in that the only doctor that could have saved me was me. Supposed to be some kind of irony or somethin.
smashed adj.破碎的/irony n.讽刺

PHOEBE: But Joey, you're gonna be fine. You don't need that show, it was just a dumb(adj.蠢的) soap opera.

JOEY: Phoebe, this was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.

PHOEBE: Yes, I was going to incorporate that. Oh good, here's Monica, she'll have something nice to say.
incorporate v.使并入,包含,吸收(incorporate your ideas in the new plan)

MONICA: Um, I straightened out your shower curtain so you won't get mildew. What? To me that's nice.
straighten out v.改正, 清理, 澄清/mildew adj.n.霉,霉菌/Um, I straightened out your shower curtain so you won't get mildew: a superficial(adj.表面的) usually whitish growth produced especially on organic matter (n.有机物)or living plants by fungi(n.真菌类)

CHANDLER: It's gonna be ok. You know that?

JOEY: No, I don't. It's like, ya know, you work your whole life for somethin' and you think that when you get it it's never gonna be as good as you thought it would be. But this so was. Ya know, it changed everything. Like the other day, I got this credit card application, and I was pre-approved. Huh? I've never been pre-approved for anything in my life.
credit card application n.信用卡申请书/pre-approved adj.事先就被批准,保送过关

CHANDLER: I'm sorry man.

RACHEL: Yeah, Joey honey, I don't know if this'll mean anything to you but you'll always be pre-approved with us.

JOEY: No, that means nothin to me.

[Scene: Chandler and Eddie's apartment.Chandler walks in to see Eddie holding a tray of cookies.]

CHANDLER: Uhhhaahh.

EDDIE: Pecan sandy, just made em.
Pecan n.[植]美洲山核桃树, 美洲山核桃/sandy adj.含沙的/ Pecan sandy大胡桃饼

CHANDLER: Yeah alright. What're these, raisins?
raisin n.葡萄干

EDDIE: Uh, sure, why not.

CHANDLER: [throws it across the room while Eddie's not looking] Listen Eddie, um, I've been thinking about our current living situation and uh, why are you smiling?

EDDIE: I got a little surprise, look. There's a new fishie. I named him uh, Chandler, you know, after, after you.
fishie n.小鱼/name after 按……命名

CHANDLER: [looks in the fish bowl to see a fish cracker(n.饼干)] Well that's not an, even a real fish. No, that's a goldfish cracker.
goldfish n.金鱼

EDDIE: What's you point你想说什么 man?

CHANDLER: Ok, good night. [walks towards his room] You big freak of nature.
freak n.畸形人


[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment.]

[Ross comes out of Rachel's bedroom in her bathrobe(n.浴衣) and heads for the bathroom. On his way back, Richard comes out of Monica's bedroom in her bathrobe.]

ROSS: Hey.


ROSS: Hey.

RICHARD: Ohh, brisk tonight.
brisk adj.敏锐的, 凛冽的, 轻快的, 活泼的to寒冷的

ROSS: Oh man.

RICHARD: Let's never speak of this.

ROSS: You got it没问题.


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