

The One With the Lesbian Wedding
Originally written by Doty Abrams
Transcribed by Mindy Mattingly Phillips
211 同志婚礼
丑陋裸男演奏大提琴。 ________________________________________
[at Ross's. Carol and Susan are picking Ben up]
ROSS: Ok. Here's his diaper bag尿布袋, and his uh, Mr. Winky, and uh...oh, him. Hi!
wink v.眨眼,闪耀,闪烁/Mr.Winky:一种小填充玩具,罗斯的儿子本的玩物。
CAROL: So how did everything go?
ROSS: Oh, great. Great. There was a projectile, uh, throwing up incident, but he started it.
projectile adj.发射的,喷射的/throw up呕吐
CAROL: Well, we've gotta go.
SUSAN: [clears her throat]
CAROL: Oh, right. Um, I've got some news. It's about us.
ROSS: Oh, you and me?
CAROL: Uh, no, Susan and me.
SUSAN: The other us.
CAROL: We're uh, we're getting married.
ROSS: As in, "I now pronounce you wife and wife" married?
CAROL: Anyway, we'd like you to come, but we totally understand if you don't want to.
ROSS: Why wouldn't I want to come? I had fun玩得开心 at the first wedding.
CAROL: Look I just thought that...
ROSS: No no no, I mean, hey, why shouldn't I be happy for you? What would it say about me if I couldn't revel in your joy? I'm revelling baby, believe me!
revel v.陶醉,沉醉/revel in v.得意于, 着迷, 酷爱, 纵情于/reveling adj.沉醉的/Why shouldn’t I be happy for you? What would it say about me if I couldn’t revel in your joy? I’m reveling baby, believe me: take delight in(乐于……)
SUSAN: Is your finger caught in夹住 that chair?
Is your finger caught in that chair: cause to become accidentally or suddenly caught, ensnared(vt.诱捕,诱入圈套), or entangled(vt.缠住,使纠结在一起)
ROSS: Mmm hmmm.
CAROL: Want us to go?
ROSS: Uh-huh.
[at Rachel and Monica's]
ROSS: This is so cool. You're actually gonna be on television.
JOEY: It really hit me last night我昨天晚上才真的意识到. I'm gonna be on Days of our Lives. And then I started thinkin' about all of u, and how these are这正是 the days of our lives..
Days of our Lives:乔伊在剧中参演了《我们生活的日子(Days of our Lives)》这部著名的肥皂剧。此剧是日间肥皂剧,已经热播了30多年。不过,此剧在加利福尼亚拍摄,从理论上来说,住在纽约的乔伊没有时间赶那么远去拍摄。
MONICA: Yes! Carol and Susan's caterer had a mountain bike accident this weekend, and she's in a full body cast.
caterer n.(尤)指备办宴会者/mountain bike山地车/cast n.铸件,模子/be in a full body cast全身上下都绑着石膏/Carol an Susan’s caterer had a mountain bike accident this weekend, and she’s in a full body cast: caterer is someone who provides food and service (as for[就……方面来说] a party); cast means bandage consisting of a firm covering[n.覆盖物] (often made of plaster of Paris[n.熟石膏]) that immobilizes(v.固定不动) broken bones while they heal
MONICA: They want me to do it, which is really cool, seeing as I've never catered before, and I really need the money, and this isn't a problem for you, is it?
cater v.供应伙食to筹办婚宴
ROSS: Would it matter?
MONICA: Oh, you are so great! [kisses him] Thank you!
JOEY: Are you really not going?
ROSS: I am really not going. I don't get it我真的不是很明白. They already live together, why do they need to get married?
MONICA: They love each other, and they wanna celebrate that love with the people that are close with与……亲近 them.
ROSS: If you wanna call that a reason如果你硬要说这是个理由的话.
CHANDLER: [singing to the tune(n.曲调) of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood] Who's the bitterest man in the living room, the bitterest man in the living room? Hi, neighbor n.<美>邻居,邻国.
MONICA: Ross, I thought you were over this你不在乎这件事情了.
ROSS: Look, that has nothing to do with this, ok? She's my ex-wife. If she were marrying a guy, none of you'd expect me to be there.
JOEY: Hey, if she were marrying a guy, she'd be like the worst lesbian ever.
RACHEL: [entering hurriedly] Did I miss it? Did I miss it?
JOEY: No, I'm on出场 right after就在……之后 this guy shoots himself.
CHANDLER: Whoa, she's pretty.
JOEY: Yeah, and she's really nice too. She taught me all about how to work the cameras在镜头前演戏, and smell-the-fart acting.
fart n.vi<俗>屁,放屁/smell-the-fart acting闻屁味演戏法/She taught me all about how to work the cameras, and smell-the-fart acting: to expel intestinal gas from the anus[<解>肛门]
RACHEL: I'm sorry, what?
JOEY: It's like, you got so many lines台词 to learn so fast, that sometimes you need a minute to remember your next one. So while you're thinkin' of it, you take this big pause where you look all intense(表情)凝重, you know, like this.
JOEY: There's my scene我的戏, there's my scene. [Joey on tv] "Mrs. Wallace, I'm Dr. Drake Ramoray, your sister's neurosurgeon.
neurosurgeon n.神经外科医生
MRS. WALLACE: Is she gonna be all right?
JOEY: I'm afraid the situation is much worse than we expected. Your sister is suffering from a.(smell-the-fart acting).subcranial hematoma. Perhaps we can discuss this over coffee.
cranial adj.头盖的,头盖形的/subcranial adj.颅下的/hematoma n.<医>血肿/Your sister is suffering from a …subcranial hematoma: subcranial means situated under, or on the ventral(adj.腹侧的) side of, the cranium(n.头盖骨); hematoma means a localized(adj.局部化的) swelling(n.肿胀) filled with blood
RACHEL: That's great!
ROSS: Excellent!
CHANDLER: For a minute there I thought you were actually tryin' to smell something.
[Monica and Rachel's]
ROSS: That is so good! Do it again!
JOEY: All right, all right. "Damnit Braverman, it's right there on就在 the chart图表!"
CHANDLER: That's great. All right, I gotta get to work, I got a big dinosaur bone to inspect检查.
ROSS: No no, that's me.
CHANDLER: Oh, yeah.
ROSS: Oh, hello.
PHOEBE: Oh, thanks. I couldn't uh...
ROSS: Is everything ok?
PHOEBE: Um, no, huh-uh. One of my clients died on the massage table today.
ROSS: Oh my god.
CHANDLER: That's a little more relaxed than you want them to get.
PHOEBE: Yeah, um, she was 82 years old. Her name was um, Mrs. Adelman.
MONICA: Oh, honey.
PHOEBE: Yeah, it's just so strange奇怪的,奇异的(=weird). I mean, she probably woke up today and thought, "ok, I'll have some breakfast, and then I'll take a little walk, and then I'll have my massage." Little did she know God was thinking, "Ok, but that's it." Oh, but the weirdest thing was, ok, I was cleansing her aura when she died, and when the spirit left her body, I don't think it went very far.
aura n.气氛, 气味, (圣象头部的)光环[医]先兆, 预感
RACHEL: What do you mean?
PHOEBE: I think it went into me.
[Everyone takes a step back from Phoebe]
[Central Perk]
MONICA: God, this is so hard. I can't decide between lamb or duck.
CHANDLER: Well, of course, lambs are scarier更恐怖. Otherwise the movie would've been called Silence of the Ducks.
RACHEL: Ok, who ordered what?
ROSS: Oh, I believe I had the half-drunk cappuccino with the lipstick on the rim.
lipstick n.<美>口红,唇膏/rim边缘
CHANDLER: Yes, and this with the cigarette butt烟屁股 in it, is that decaf?
RACHEL: Oh god.
JOEY: I can't believe you're so uptight about your mom comin'.
uptight adj.经济情况不妙的, 拮据的, 紧张的, 心情焦躁的, 极端保守的/be uptight about对……感到心情焦躁
RACHEL: I know, but it's just it's the first time, and I just don't want her to think that because I didn't marry Barry, that my life is total crap, you know?
PHOEBE: [Mrs. Adelman's voice] Talk about crap. Try listening to Stella Niedman tell the story of her and Rod Steiger for the hundredth time.
tell the story……for the hundredth time说100遍这样的故事/Rod Sfeiger:菲比认为自己被死在按摩桌上的老妇人缠身。当瑞秋谈她逃婚的故事时,菲比以老妇人的声调说,看看“斯苔拉•尼德曼”一遍又一遍地讲她和“罗德•施泰格尔(Rod Steiger)”的故事了。施泰格尔是著名的演员,曾经主演《毕业生》,还获得过奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。尼德曼应该是附身菲比的老妇人的朋友。
JOEY: Uh, Pheebs, how long do you think this lady'll be with us?
PHOEBE: I don't know. I mean, she obviously has some kind of unfinished business未了心愿. [Mrs. Adelman's voice] Sit up!
sit up v.坐起, 端坐, 熬夜
MRS. GREEN: [entering] There she is.
MRS GREEN: Sweetie! So this is where you work? Oh, it's wonderful! Is it a living room? Is it a restaurant? Who can tell? But I guess that's the fun.
RACHEL: Pretty much几乎,非常接近,差不多这样.
MRS GREEN: Monica! You look gorgeous! Last time I saw you, it was eat or be eaten.
RACHEL: This is Joey, and Phoebe, and this is Chandler, and you remember Ross.
MRS GREEN: Oh hello, Ross.
ROSS: Hi, Mrs. Green. [He gets up to shake her hand, but she ignores him.]
MRS GREEN: So, what do you think of my daughter in the apron with the big job?
MRS GREEN: If you didn't pour the coffee, no one would have anything to drink.
CHANDLER: Believe me, sometimes that happens.
MRS GREEN: This is just so exciting. You know, I never worked. I went straight from my father's house to the sorority house to my husband's house. I am just so proud of you.
sorority n.妇女联谊会, 女学生联谊会/You know I never worked. I went straight from my father’s house to the sorority house to my husband’s house: a women's student organization (as at a college) that is formed chiefly for social purposes and has a name consisting of Greek letters(n.希腊字母)
RACHEL: Really?
PHOEBE: I know who it is you remind me of. Evelyn Dermer. 'Course, that's before she got the lousy face lift. Now she looks like Soupy Sales.
lousy face lift低劣的拉皮手术/ I know who it is you remind me of. Evelyn Dermer. ‘Course, that’s before she got the lousy face lift. Now she looks like Soupy Sales: face lift means a plastic surgery[n.整形手术] to remove wrinkles(n.皱纹) and other signs of aging from your face
JOEY: Pheebs, who's Evelyn Dermer?
PHOEBE: I don't know. Who's Soupy Sales?
[at Rachel and Monica's
MRS GREEN: Oh my god, there's an unattractive nude man playing the cello.
unattractive adj.不引人注目的,难看的/nude(=naked)adj.裸体的/cello n.大提琴/Oh, my god, there’s an unattractive nude man playing the cello: A four- stringed musical instrument of the violin family, pitched(v.定调) lower than the viola(n.中提琴) but higher than the double bass(n.低音提琴).
RACHEL: Yeah, well just be glad he's not playing a smaller instrument乐器.
MRS GREEN: [laughing] You have some life here你现在的生活真有意思, sweetie.
RACHEL: I know. And Mom, I realize you and Daddy were upset when I didn't marry Barry and get the big house in the suburbs with all the security and everything, but this is just so much better for me, you know?
MRS GREEN: I do. You didn't love Barry. And I've never seen you this happy. I look at you and I think, oh, this is what I want.
RACHEL: For...me.
MRS GREEN: Well, not just for you.
RACHEL: Well, what do you mean?
MRS GREEN: I'm uh, considering leaving your father.
MONICA: [entering] All right. Tell me if this is too cute. Lesbian wedding, chicken breasts鸡胸肉,[医]鸡胸.
RACHEL: Oh god. I think I'm gonna be sick.
MONICA: Why? It's not like I'm putting little nipples on them.
ROSS: And you had no idea they weren't getting along?
JOEY: They didn't fight a lot?
RACHEL: No! They didn't even talk to each other. God, how was I supposed to know they were having problems?
PHOEBE: [Mrs. Adelman's voice] In my day, divorce was not an option选择.
JOEY: Hey, look who's up看谁出现了.
RACHEL: I just can't believe this is happening. I mean, when I was little, everybody's parents were getting divorced. I just figured认为 as a grownup成人 I wouldn't have to worry about this.
MONICA: Is there any chance that you can look at this as flattering恭维? I mean, she's doing it because she wants to be more like you.
RACHEL: Well, then, you know, couldn't she have just copied my haircut?
CHANDLER: You know, it's funny when my parents got divorced, they sent me to this shrink心理医生[113 Phoebe的前男友Roger便是一位shrink(精神科医生)], and she told me that all kids have a tendency to blame themselves. But in your case it's actually kinda true.
PHOEBE: That's him.
CHANDLER: Damn. My mail order grandfather hasn't come yet.
mail order n.邮购
MR A: Phoebe?
PHOEBE: Yes, hi, Mr. Adelman. Thanks for meeting me谢谢你能来见我.
MR A: Oh, that's all right, although you did cut into my busy day of sitting.
cut into v.侵犯, 打断/Oh, that’s all right, although you did cut into my busy day of sitting: remove something
PHOEBE: Um, do you wanna sit?
MR A: Oh, no, please, I spent most of mid-morning trying to stand up. Now uh, what can I do for you, my dear?
midmorning n.早晨, 上午
PHOEBE: I don't know how to say this, but I think when your wife's spirit灵魂 left her body, it um, kind of stuck around in me.
stick around v.逗留
MR A: You're saying, my wife is in you?
PHOEBE: Yeah. Ok, you don't have to believe me but um, can you think of想起 any unfinished business she might have had, like any reason she'd be hanging around?
hang around 留在附近
MR A: Well, I don't know what to tell you dear. The only thing I can think of is that she always used to say that before she died, she wanted to see everything.
PHOEBE: Everything?
MR A: Everything.
PHOEBE: Whoa, that's a lot of stuff.
MR A: Oh, wait, I remember, she also said she wanted to sleep with me one last time.
PHOEBE: I'm sorry, there's laughing in my head.
MR A: [to Joey] Worth a shot值得一试, huh?
[Joey nods and shrugs.]
MRS GREEN: Look at this.
RACHEL: These are from Halloween three years ago.
MRS GREEN: Oh, look, here's Barry. Did he have to come straight from the office?
RACHEL: No, that was his costume装束,衣服. See, he's actually an orthodontist, but he came as a regular dentist.
MONICA: Um, you guys, you know when I said before, "thank you, but I don't really need your help"?
RACHEL: Actually, what I think you said was, "don't touch that, and get the hell out of my kitchen."
MONICA: Really? Weird. Anyway, see, I planned everything really well. I planned and I planned and I planned. It just turns out但接却是, I don't think I planned enough time to actually do it.
RACHEL: Hey, Mon, you want some help?
MONICA: If you want.
PHOEBE: [enters] Hey. What a day好长的一天. I took her everywhere. The Museum of Modern Art, Rockefeller Center, Statue of Liberty自由女神像.
RACHEL: She's still with you?
PHOEBE: Yeah. I guess she hasn't seen everything yet. I'll be right back, she has to go to the bathroom again. [Takes Mrs. Green's chin in her hand and says, in Mrs. Adelman's voice] Oh, such a pretty face.
MRS GREEN: This is so much fun这真好玩, just the girls. You know what we should do? Does anybody have any marijuana?
marijuana n.[植]大麻
MONICA: All right, look, nobody's smoking pot(n.<俚>大麻) around all this food.
MRS GREEN: That's fine. I never did it. I just thought I might我只是想试试. So, what's new in sex?
RACHEL: Oh! What's new in sex?
MRS GREEN: The only man I've ever been with is your father.
MONICA: I'm dicing, I'm dicing, I don't hear anything.
dice n.骰子vt.切成方块vi.掷骰子
MRS GREEN: I mean, this is no offense to your dad, sweetie, but I was thinking there might be more并不只是这样.
RACHEL: Oh, I'm sorry. You know what? I cannot have this conversation with you. I mean, god, you just come in here, and drop this bomb on me将这颗炸弹在我头上引爆, before you even tell Daddy. What? What do you want? Do you want my blessing(n.祝福)?
RACHEL: You want me to talk you out of it?
talk out of v.说服某人不做某事,劝阻/You want me to talk you out of it: dissuade[v.劝阻.eg: dissuade sb from leaving]
RACHEL: Then what? What do you want?
MRS GREEN: I guess I just figured of all people you would understand this.
RACHEL: Why on earth would I understand this?
MRS GREEN: You didn't marry your Barry. I did.
MONICA: All right people, we're in trouble here. We've only got 12 hours and 36 minutes left. Move快, move, move!
be in trouble处于困难或危险中
CHANDLER: Monica, I feel like you should have German subtitles.
subtitle n.副题(书本中的), 说明对白的字幕
MONICA: Joey, speed it up快!
JOEY: I'm sorry, it's the pigs. they're reluctant to get in the blankets!
PHOEBE: Monica, how did this happen? I thought you had this all planned out策划.
MONICA: Do you want me to cry? Is that what you want? Do you wanna see me cry?
PHOEBE: Sir! No sir!
MONICA: [to Ross] All right, you!
ROSS: No. Look, I told you I am not a part of this thing我不想参与这件事.
MONICA: All right, look, Ross. I realize了解 that you have issues with有过节 Carol and Susan, and I feel for同情 you, I do. But if you don't help me cook, I'm gonna take a bunch of those little hot dogs, and I'm gonna create a new appetizer开胃菜 called "pigs in Ross". All right, ball the melon.
CHANDLER: Hey! How come I'm stuck dicing切肉丁, when he gets to ball the melon挖香瓜球.
[knock at the door]
CAROL: How's it going?
MONICA: It's goin' great. Right on schedule. Got my little happy helpers.[everyone groans呻吟]
CAROL: Fine, whatever.
ROSS: What's the matter?
CAROL: Nothing. Ok, everything一切(都有问题). I think we're calling off取消 the wedding.
ROSS: What?
MONICA: You're still gonna pay me, right? Or something a little less selfish或许应该少一点自私.
or something或什么的, ...之类
ROSS: Carol, what's the matter? What happened?
CAROL: My parents called this afternoon to say they weren't coming.
ROSS: Oh my god.
CAROL: I mean, I knew they were having trouble with this whole thing, but they're my parents. They're supposed to give me away and everything.
have trouble with v.与...有纠纷, 有...的病痛/be supposed to v.应该, 被期望/give sb away把某人嫁出去
ROSS: It's ok. I'm sorry.
CAROL: And then Susan and I got in this big fight大吵一架 because I said maybe we should call off the wedding, and she said we weren't doing it for them, we were doing it for us, and if I couldn't see that, then maybe we should call off the wedding. I don't know what to do.
ROSS: I uh can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I think Susan's right.
CAROL: You do你真的这么想?
ROSS: Look, do you love her? And you don't have to be too emphatic about this.
emphatic adj.语势强的, 用力的, 显著的, 断然的/Look, do you love her? And you don’t nave to be too emphatic about this: tending to express oneself in forceful speech or to take decisive(adj.决定性的) action
CAROL: Of course I do.
ROSS: Well then that's it. And if George and Adelaide can't accept that, then the hell with them. Look, if my parents didn't want me to marry you, no way that would have stopped me. Look, this is your wedding. Do it.
CAROL: You're right. Of course you're right.
MONICA: So we're back on?
back on v.背靠to 继续/back v.支持,援助
CAROL: We're back on.
MONICA: You heard the woman你们听到那女人(说什么了嘛). Peel, chop, devil切! I can't believe I lost 2 minutes.
[at the wedding]
JOEY: It just seems so futile, you know ? All these women, and nothing. I feel like Superman without my powers, you know? I have the cape, and yet可是 I cannot fly.
futile adj.琐细的, 无用的, 无效果的, (人)没有出息的to枉费心机的(a futile attempt)/cape n.披肩,斗篷;海角/It just seems so futile: serving no useful purpose[serve no purpose不中用;无济于事, 无用]
CHANDLER: Well now you understand how I feel every single day, ok? The world is my lesbian wedding.
[Wedding music starts, Phoebe noisily unwraps a piece of candy.]
PHOEBE: [Mrs. Adelman's voice] Butterscotch? No one? All right, you'll be sorry later.
scotch adj.苏格兰的/butterscotch n.(咸味)奶油糖果/sorry adj.遗憾的/Butterscotch: A syrup(n.糖浆), sauce, candy, or flavoring(n.调味品) made by melting butter and brown sugar(n.红塘) together

[Monica pushes Ben down the aisle in a stroller. Susan is escorted by both her parents. Carol is escorted by Ross.]
aisle n.(大厅中席位中间的)通道/stroller n.<美语>婴儿车/escort v.护送,陪同,护卫
CAROL: Thank you.
ROSS: Any time随时恭候. [He doesn't want to let her go]
CAROL: Ross. [He lets her go]
MINISTER: You know, nothing makes God happier than when two people, any two people, come together in love. Friends, family, we're gathered here齐聚一堂 today to join Carol and Susan in holy matrimony神圣的婚礼.
PHOEBE: [Mrs. Adelman's voice] Oh my god. Now I've seen everything! [Phoebe's voice] Whoa, she's gone. She's gone. She's gone! Go ahead, get married. Go, go.
[At the reception招待会[美国的婚礼和葬礼(108),仪式举行后都要reception招待晚宴], Monica and Ross watch Carol and Susan getting their picture taken.]
MONICA: Would you look at them?
ROSS: Yeah, can't help but不得不.
JOEY: [to a wedding guest] How's that pig-in-the-blanket猪肉卷 workin' out for you这个猪肉卷你觉得做的怎么样? [the guy nods] I wrapped those bad boys是在下包的.
PHOEBE: I miss Rose.
CHANDLER: Oh, yeah?
PHOEBE: I know it's kind of weird, but I mean, she was a big part of my life there, you know, and now I just feel kind of alone.
WOMAN: You know, I uh, I couldn't help but overhear what you just said, and I think it's time for you to forget about Rose, move on with your life继续你自己的生活...how 'bout we go get you a drink?
PHOEBE: Ok, that's so nice.
[Chandler tries to warn Phoebe that the woman is coming on to吊马子 her, but Phoebe doesn't see him.]
CHANDLER: [to an attractive woman] I shouldn't even bother coming up with a line, right? [The woman walks away]
come up with赶上,提出,想出/line n.话语,此处指代搭讪
RACHEL: Hey, Mom? Having fun?
MRS GREEN: Oh, am I是的! I just danced with a wonderfully large woman. And three other girls made eyes at me over the buffet. Oh, I'm not saying it's something I wanna pursue, but it's nice to know I have options.
make eyes at v.眉目传情, 做媚眼, 挤眉弄眼/buffet n.自助餐,餐具柜/pursue v.<正式>追赶,追捕;继续(pursue one’s studies)to 追求/option n.选择/ I just danced with a wonderfully large woman, and three other girls made eyes at me over the buffet: a meal set out陈列 on a buffet or table for ready access and informal (adj.不正式的,不拘礼节的) service
RACHEL: There's more alcohol(酒,酒精), right?
[Susan approaches Ross, who's looking lonely]
SUSAN: How you doin'?你怎么样
SUSAN: You did a good thing today.
ROSS: Yeah.
SUSAN: You wanna dance?
ROSS: No, that's fine算了.
SUSAN: Come on. I'll let you lead领舞.
[They dance; Carol looks on旁观 lovingly钟爱地,亲切地.]
CHANDLER: [to the woman who just rejected him] All right look. Penis(=peepee) ***schmenis. We're all people. [She walks away again.]
[at Monica and Rachel's]
MONICA: Ok, which one of us do you think is gonna be the first one to get married?
ROSS: Well, Mon, I was married.
PHOEBE: Yeah, me, too, technically.
RACHEL: I had a wedding.
MONICA: All right, just trying to start an interesting discussion.
JOEY: I got one. Which one of us do you think will be the last to get married? [They all look at Chandler]
CHANDLER: Isn't Ben in this?
ALL: Oh, yeah!


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