

The One With the List
Originally written by Marta Kauffman and David Crane
Trascribed by Mindy Mattingly Phillips [mmatting@indiana.edu]
Minor additions and adjustments by Dan Silverstein.
208 清单
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Phoebe, Monica, and Rachel are there, discussing the night before.]
RACH: Ross kissed me.
MNCA: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!
RACH: It was unbelievable!
MNCA: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!
PHOE: Ok, all right. We want to hear everything. Monica, get the wine and unplug the phone. Rachel, does this end well or do we need to get tissues?
unplug v.拔去(塞子,插头等), 去掉...的障碍物/ Monica, get the wine and unplug the phone. Rachel does this end well or do we need to get tissues: To disconnect the phone by removing a plug from an outlet(n.插座)
RACH: Oh, it ended very well.
MNCA: [getting the wine] Do not start without me. Do not start without me.
PHOE: Ok, all right, let's hear about the kiss. Was it like, was it like a soft brush轻拂 against your lips? Or was it like a, you know, a "I gotta(<美俚>=have got to必须) have you now" kind of thing?
RACH: Well, at first it was really intense(adj.激烈的), you know. And then, oh, god, and then we just sort of sunk into it.
sink vi.沉下, (使)下沉/sunk adj.凹陷的/sunk into沉沦,沉醉/And then, oh, god, and then we just sort of sunk into it: if you sink into a mood or status, you are completely in it
PHOE: Ok, so, ok, was he holding you? Or was his hand like on your back?
RACH: No, actually first they started on my waist(腰部). And then, they slid up(滑到上面), and then, they were in my hair.
[Scene: Ross' apartment. Ross, Chandler, and Joey are there eating pizza.]
ROSS: And, uh, and then I kissed her.
JOEY: Tongue?
ROSS: Yeah.
JOEY: Cool.
Opening Credits
[Scene: Central Perk. Joey, Phoebe, Monica, and Chandler are there; Chandler is showing everyone his new computer.]
CHAN: All right, check out this bad boy. 12 megabytes of ram. 500 megabyte hard drive. Built-in spreadsheet capabilities and a modem that transmits at over 28,000 b.p.s.
megabyte n.兆字节(MB)/built-in adj.内置的, 固定的, 嵌入的/n.[计] 电子制表软件, 电子数据表/capability n.(实际)能力, 性能, 容量, 接受力/transmit v.传送
PHOE: Wow. What are you gonna use it for?
CHAN: [doggedly顽强地,固执地] Games and stuff.
MNCA: [reading the paper] There are no jobs. There are no jobs for me.
JOEY: [reading over her shoulder] Wait, here's one. Uh, would you be willing to cook naked?
over the shoulder讥讽, 挖苦/read over her shoulder读一遍讽刺她
MNCA: There's an ad for a naked chef?
JOEY: No, but if you're willing to cook naked, then you might be willing to dance naked. And then... [rubs his fingers together=count money]
[Ross enters, distraught心烦意乱的(通常用在失恋后).]
PHOE: Hey, oh, so, um...how'd you make out(恋人之间的相处) last night?
ROSS: That, that is funny. That is painfully(痛苦地) funny. No, wait. Wait, yeah, that's just painful
MNCA: Wait a minute. I thought last night was great.
ROSS: Yeah, it was, but...I get home, ok, and I see Julie's saline solution on my night table. And I'm thinking to myself, oh my god, what the hell am I doing? I mean, here I am, I am with Julie, this incredible, great woman, who I care about and who cares about me, and I'm like, what, am I just gonna throw all that away?
saline adj.咸的,含盐的/solution n.解答, 解决办法, 溶解, 溶液/night table n.床头柜/care about担心,关心/all that到那种程度[地步]/Ok, and I see Julie’ saline solution on my night table. And I’m thinking to myself, oh, my god, what the hell am I doing: I tend to think that saline solution here refers to the solution used for rinsing(n.冲洗) your contact lenses, that’s why Joey tells Julie that he didn’t know she wore lenses at all; night table is a small bedside table or a stand(n.架子).
JOEY: You got all that from saline solution你从一瓶盐水中能够联想到那么多东西?
MNCA: We are talking about Rachel here. You and Rachel.
ROSS: Believe me, I've been dreaming about me and Rachel for ten years now. But now, I'm with Julie, so it's like me and Julie, me and Rachel, me and Julie, me and... [Rachel enters, carrying a tray]... Rachel. Rachel, Rachel.
dream about梦见,梦到
RACH: [to Ross] Hey, you.
ROSS: How are you?
RACH: Good. How are you?
ROSS: Good.
[Julie enters.]
JULIE: Hi, honey.
ROSS: Hi, Julie. [nervous] Hi, Julie. Julie, um, how are you?
JULIE: Good.
ROSS: [uncomfortable] Good, so everybody's here. Everybody's good. So, were you gonna play(v.弹奏) something, Phoebe?
PHOE: Oh, well, actually.
ROSS: [impatient] Play it.
PHOE: Ok, all right.
JOEY: Hey, Julie, I didn't know you wore lenses(戴隐形眼镜).
JULIE: What?
ROSS: [to Joey] Ssshh.
PHOE: Ok, um, hi, hello, hi, ok, so, um, this is a song about a love triangle between three people that I made up. Um, it's called, um, "Two of Them Kissed Last Night".
triangle n.三角形,三角关系/love triangle恋爱三角关系/make up虚构
[Ross and Rachel look at each other and then at Phoebe, realizing the song is about their situation.]
PHOE: [singing] There was a girl, we'll call her Betty, and a guy let's call him Neil. Now I can't stress this point too strongly我不得不再三强调, this story isn't real. Now our Neil must decide, who will be the girl that he casts aside. Will Betty be the one who he loves truly? Or will it be the one who we'll call Ju...Loolie? He must decide, he must decide, even though I made him up对他的一切纯属虚构, he must decide!
cast v.投,掷,撒(cast a net,Snakes cast their skins);浇铸;给(演员)选派角色;[比喻]eg1:The tree cast a long shadow.eg2:cast a glance at sb(=glance at).eg3:cast(表示) doubt on his claims(主张)/cast aside v.消除, 废除to抛弃
[Scene: Mr. Ratstatter's (RTST) office. Monica is there about a job.]
RTST: This is a nice resume(<美>履历). Nice, nice, nice. Muy impressivo
This is a nice resume. Nice, nice. Muy impressivo: Spanish which means extremely impressive.
MNCA: So, Mr. Rastatter, what exactly does this job entail? The ad wasn't too clear.
entail v.需要eg:Your plan entails a lof of work/So, Mr. Rastatter, what exactly does this job entail: To have, impose, or require as a necessary accompaniment or consequence
RTST: Mockolate麻克力.
MNCA: I'm sorry?
RTST: Mockolate. It's a completely synthetic(adj.人工合成的eg:synthetic fabric) chocolate substitute(n.替代品).
MNCA: Ohh.
[He pulls out拿出 a piece of Mockolate.]
RTST: Go ahead. Try a piece. Yeah, we think that Mockolate is even better than chocolate.
MNCA: All right. Mmm-mmm.
[She tastes it, and obviously hates it.]
RTST: Yeah?
MNCA: [disgusted, trying not to show it] I love how it crumbles. Now see, your chocolate doesn't do that.
crumble v.弄碎,破碎,碎裂(material that crumbles easily);[喻]灭亡,消失(Their marriage crumbled)/it crumbles它碎碎的感觉
RTST: No, ma'am. Well, anyhoo, we should be getting our F.D.A. approval any day now, hopefully, in time for赶得上 Thanksgiving. See, the way we look at it根据我们的眼光, chocolate already dominates most of your major food-preparation holidays: Easter, Christmas, what have you.
anyhoo <语气词>反正呢,总而言之呢/ F.D.A.食品药物管理局/approval n.允许,批准,赞同(Your plans have my approval)/any day now之后的任何一天/dominate v.支配,占优势
MNCA: [still chewing] Mmm-mmm.
RTST: But, we're thinking, given the right marketing行销, we can make Thanksgiving the Mockolate holiday.
MNCA: Wow.
RTST: Aren't you going to swallow that?
MNCA: Just waiting for it to stop bubbling.
RTST: Yeah, isn't that great?
MNCA: [with false(adj.虚伪的) enthusiasm(n.热情)] Mmm.
RTST: Well, anyhoo, um, we are looking for a couple of chefs who can create some Thanksgiving-themed(以感恩节为主题) recipes. You think you might be interested?
recipe n.烹饪法,食谱;[喻]诀窍,方法(a recipe for disaster)
MNCA: Abso...[swallows hard]...lutely. See, I love creating new recipes. I love Thanksgiving. And, well, now, I love Mockolate.
RTST: Really?
MNCA: Especially the after taste(<口>余味), you know, I'll tell ya, that'll last ya till Christmas.
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Phoebe are there. Monica is suggesting Mockolate recipes to Phoebe.]
MNCA: How about Mockolate mousse(n.一种多泡沫含奶油的甜点)?
PHOE: It's not, it's not very Thanksgiving-y.
MNCA: Ok, how about pilgrim(n.清教徒, 圣地朝拜者, 朝圣) Mockolate mousse?
PHOE: What makes it pilgrim?
MNCA: We'll put buckles(n.扣子,带扣) on it.
What makes it pilgrim? We’ll put buckles on it: Pilgrim buckles are some popular ornaments(n.装饰物) that resemble the clasp(n.扣子), such as a metal square, on a shoe or hat, characteristic(adj.特有的) of traditional pilgrim costumes
[Rachel enters.]
RACH: Hey.
PHOE: Hey.
MNCA: Hey.
RACH: Did uh, Ross call?
MNCA: No, I'm sorry.
RACH: Why didn't he call? He's gonna stay with(与……呆在一起,与……并驾齐驱) Julie, isn't he? He's gonna stay with her and she's going to be all, "Hi, I'm Julie, Ross picked me, and we're gonna to get married, have a lot of kids and dig up(挖起) stuff together."
PHOE: No offense(恕我冒犯), but that sounds nothing like her这一点都不像她会说的话.
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Ross is up in arms about the Rachel/Julie situation.]
up in arms adv.进行武装斗争, 竭力反对/be in arms about sth对……感到非常难处理/ Ross is up in arms about the Rachel/Julie situation: this idiom means Extremely upset; indignant(adj.愤慨的,义愤的)
ROSS: I don't know what to do. What am I gonna do? I mean, this, this is like a complete nightmare.
CHAN: Oh, I know. This must be so hard. Oh, no. Two women love me. They're both gorgeous and sexy. My wallet's too small for my fifties对我50岁而言我的钱太少了, and my diamond shoes are too tight.
JOEY: Hey, here's a thought, Ross. [reaches for伸手拿东西 the computer]
CHAN: Don't touch the computer. Don't ever touch the computer.
JOEY: Ross, listen. I got two words for you. Threesome三人一组.
[Ross gives him an insulted(adj.侮辱的) look.]
CHAN: Ok, all right, look. Let's get logical(合乎逻辑的,合理的) about this, ok? We'll make a list. Rachel and Julie, pros and cons(正面和反面,优点和缺点,支持和反对). Oh. We'll put their names in bold(n.粗体), with different fonts(n.字体), and I can use different colors for each column(专栏,栏).
We’ll make a list, Rachel and Julie, pros and cons: an argument or evidence in affirmation(n.肯定); an argument or evidence in opposition(n.反对)
ROSS: Can't we just use a pen?
CHAN: No, Amish boy.
Amish[宗]阿们宗派(十七 世纪成立的孟诺教派, 因创此教派的雅可布 阿们而得名)/Amish boy原始男孩
JOEY: Ok, let's start with the cons, 'cause they're more fun. All right, Rachel first.
ROSS: I don't know. I mean, all right, I guess you can say she's a little spoiled(adj.娇纵的) sometimes.
I guess you can say she’s a little spoiled sometimes: to pamper excessively: CODDLE v.n.娇生惯养
JOEY: You could say that可以这么说.
ROSS: And I guess, you know, sometimes, she's a little ditzy, you know. And I've seen her be a little too into her looks. Oh, and Julie and I, we have a lot in common 'cause we're both paleontologists, but Rachel's just a waitress.
ditzy 【俚】愚笨的;神经兮兮的; 轻浮的,肤浅幼稚的/be a little too into her looks有点太注重她自己的外表/She’s a little ditzy, you know, and I’ve seen her be a little too into her looks: slang, means Scatterbrained (adj.注意力不集中的)(giddy(adj.头晕的) heedless(不注意的)woman
CHAN: Waitress. Got it. You guys wanna play Doom? Or we could keep doing this. What else?
Doom n.著名的3D动作游戏
ROSS: I don't know.
JOEY: Oh, her ankles are a little chubby(adj.丰满的,圆胖的=plump).
CHAN: Ok, let's do Julie. What's wrong with her?
ROSS: [long pause] She's not Rachel.
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica has made food for Phoebe and Rachel to taste.]
MNCA: Ok, this is pumpkin pie with mockolate cookie crumb crust用麻克力小甜饼碎屑脆皮制成的南瓜派. This is mockolate cranberry(n.红莓) cake, and these are mockolate chip(n.碎片) cookies. Just like the Indians served.
[Rachel takes a bite咬了一口.]
RACH: Oh my god.
MNCA: Oh my god good?
RACH: Oh my god, I can't believe you let me put this in my mouth.
[Rachel runs to the sink to spit it out吐出.]
PHOE: Oh, oh sweet Lord! This is what evil must taste like这是邪恶之神必须吃的东西to万恶之味!
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler is on the phone with a computer hotline.]
CHAN: I'm telling you this thing won't print. Yes, I pressed that button like 100 times. You know, for a hot line you are not so hot. What? What is that in the background? Are you watching Star Trek?
trek n.牛拉车旅行,艰苦跋涉/Star Trek n.星际迷航
[Ross enters with a melancholy look.]
melancholy n.忧郁,悲哀adj.忧郁的,悲哀的
JOEY: [to Ross] Hey, so how'd it go with Julie? Did you, did you break her heart?
ROSS: Yes, it was horrible. She cried. I cried. She threw things, they hit me. Anyway, I did the right thing.
CHAN: [in phone] So, Spock actually hugs his father?
Star Trek:钱德勒在给一个地方打热线电话,但接线员竟然边接电话边看《星际迷航(Star Trek)》。这是美国一套著名的科幻电视剧集,所以下文里钱德勒气愤地问:“那你看见史波克拥抱他的父亲了没有?”史波克是剧中的一个人物,他的父亲是一个瓦肯星人,而母亲是一个地球人,因此史波夫和父亲的恩怨是剧中一个重要情节。/So, Spock actually hugs his father: Spock is Enterprise’s first officer in famous fictional TV series “ Star Trek”
[Rachel enters.]
RACH: Hey, do you guys have...[sees Ross, pauses]...hi.
RACH: [sees his coat on] Where you goin'?
ROSS: I uh, I just got back from uh, from Julie's.
RACH: [dejected沮丧的,灰心的] Oh.
ROSS: No, no, uh, it's not what you think. It's um the other thing.
RACH: Well, what's the other thing, what do I think?
[Joey is looking at Rachel, smiling, and gesturing his head towards Ross.]
ROSS: Well, uh.
JOEY: He broke up with Julie. Well, go hug her, for god's sakes.
RACH: Really?
ROSS: Really. It's always been you, Rach.
[Ross and Rachel hug. Spectators(观看演出,比赛)观众 scream]
RACH: Oh, god.
RACH: Oh, oh, this is good, this is really good.
ROSS: I know, I know, it's, it's almost...[turns around回转,回头, sees Chandler and Joey] What do you say we go take a walk, just us, not them?
RACH: Let me get my coat.
ROSS: Ok. No, hey, whoa, whoa, I'll get your coat.
[Ross leaves.]
RACH: Ok, he's goin' to get my coat. He's goin' to get my coat. Oh my god, you guys. I can't believe this. This is unbelievable. [notices Chandler's computer screen] What's that?
CHAN: [nervous] What? Nothing.
[Chandler closes up关上 the laptop computer screen.]
RACH: What's that? What? I saw my name. What is it?
CHAN: No, no, see? See? [the printer starts to run] Hey, it's printing. [to Joey, rattled慌乱的] Hey, it's printing!
[Chandler rips off撕掉 the sheet of paper from the printer.]
RACH: Well what is it? Let me see.
[Ross walks back in, Rachel's coat in hand.]
ROSS: Hey, someone order a coat?
RACH: Ross, Chandler wrote something about me on his computer and he won't let me see.
ROSS: He won't? [remembers what it is] He won't! Because, isn't that, isn't that the, the short story you were writing?
CHAN: Yes, yes it is, short story, that I was writing.
RACH: And I'm in it? Then let me read it.
RACH: Come on.
JOEY: Hey, uh, why don't you read it to her?
[Joey makes eye at Ross,But Ross and Chandler stare angrily at Joey, who thinks he has come up with a good idea.]
make eyes at眉目传情, 做媚眼, 挤眉弄眼
CHAN: [through gritted teeth] Alright. [clears his throat] "It was summer, and it was hot. Rachel was there. A lonely gray couch. 'Oh, look,' cried Ned, and then the kingdom was his forever. The end."
grit one’s teeth: a.咬紧牙 b.[喻]咬紧牙关坚持……/gray(=grey) adj.<尤美>灰色的/{Through gritted teeth} Alright: To clamp(夹紧to咬紧) (the teeth) together
ROSS: That's it? That's all you wrote? You're the worst writer in the whole world.
RACH: All right, you know what? This isn't funny anymore. There's something about me on that piece of paper and I want to see it.
ROSS: No, you don't.
RACH: All right, you know what, that's fine. If you guys want to be children about this, that's fine. I do not need to see it. [Rachel grabs the paper,three guys pounces on(v.猛扑向) her,but failed and she runs across the room, reading it to herself.]
RACH: What is this? Ross, what is this?
CHAN: Good luck.
[Chandler and Joey leave quickly.]
ROSS: Ok, just, just remember how crazy I am about you, ok?
RACH: Kind of ditzy? Too into her looks? Spoiled?
ROSS: Now that's a little spoiled. He was supposed to type "little", the idiot白痴.
RACH: Just a waitress?
ROSS: No, that, that was, I mean, as opposed to相对于 uh, the uh, ok. Is this over yet还没念完 Rach?
RACH: Oh! I do not have chubby ankles!
[Rachel leaves, and Ross follows her into the hall.]
ROSS: No, no, wait, ok, ok, look at the other side. Look at Julie's column.
RACH: She is not Rachem. What the hell's a Rachem? Is that some stupid paleontology(n.古生物学) word that I wouldn't know because I'm just a waitress.
[She goes into her apartment and slams the door.]
ROSS: No, Rach, come on. Rach! Rach, no, no! She's not Rachel, she is, she is not, Ra--Rachel?
[Scene: Central Perk. Chandler, Monica, Joey, and Phoebe are there.]
CHAN: My diary! My diary日记, that's brilliant. I should have told her it was my diary, she never would have made me read her my diary.
MNCA: You know, that's true. You'd be a great person to have around the day after an emergency你很适合在紧急事件发生后做个马后炮.
You’d be a great person to have around the day after an emergency: it’s like the old saying “ It is easy to be wise after the event” (事后诸葛亮)
PHOE: I... I cannot believe Ross even made this list. What a dinkus(=jerk n.<俚>混蛋).
I can’t believe Ross even made this list. What a dinkus: dinkus=dingus[n.<口>小装置, 那玩意儿(指叫不出名或一时忘了名称的东西,有诙谐含意)], which means A person regarded as stupid.
JOEY: Hey, cut him some slack. It was Chandler's idea.
slack n.松弛,静止,闲散adj.不紧的,松的(a slack rope);懈怠的,疏忽的;不景气的,萧条的(Trade is slack)/cut him some slack少说他一点吧,放他一马吧/Hey, cut him some slack. It was Chandler’s idea: Slack is an extra rope or string that hangs loose which allows for(考虑到,考虑) flexibility(n.弹性) ,to cut a person some slack is to be flexible(adj.可通融的) with them (通融一下)
PHOE: What?
MNCA: What?
CHAN: Oh good, I was hoping that would come up被提出.
MNCA: This was your idea?
PHOE: What were you thinking?
CHAN: [squirming(沙发上的)扭动,蠕动] All right, let's get some perspective(n.透视,观察,深入事物的本质) here, ok? These things, they happen for a reason事出有因.
MNCA: Yeah. You!
CHAN: All right, Pheebs, back me up here, ok? You believe in that karma crap, don't you?
karma n.因缘,因果报应/karma crap因果报应之类的东西
PHOE: Yeah, by the way, good luck in your next life as a dung beetle.
dung n.(牲畜的)粪,粪肥/beetle n.甲虫/Yeah, by the way, good luck in your next life as a dung beetle: Any of various beetles of the family Scarabaeidae(金龟子科甲虫)that form balls of dung on which they feed and in which they lay their eggs
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Rachel is sitting on the couch, eating cookie. It is raining out. Ross climbs up the fire escape防火梯 and is knocking on the window.]
When somebody does not buzz you in, Ross that means go away. That doesn’t mean please climb up the fire escape: a device for escape from a burning building; especially: a metal stairway(n.楼梯) attached to the outside of a building
ROSS: Rach! Whoops! Rach, hey, open up, please!
whoops int.(表示惊讶, 沮丧, 轻度道歉等)哎呦
RACH: [coldly] When somebody does not buzz you in, Ross, that means go away. That doesn't mean please climb up the fire escape.
ROSS: I just wanna read something. It's your pro list.
RACH: Not interested.
[Rachel closes the drapes over the window, goes into her bedroom and closes the door.]
drape n.(常作pl)<美>帘(=curtain)/Rachel closes the drapes over the window, goes into her bedroom and closes the door: a drapery especially for a window: CURTAIN
ROSS: [reading his list] Ok, ok, number one: The way you cry at game shows. Number two: how much you love your friends. Number three: the way you play with your hair when you're nervous. Number four: how brave you are for starting your life over. Number five: how great you are with Ben.
[Monica, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe enter, confused.]
ROSS: Number six: the way you smell.
JOEY: [opens the drapes] Hey, Ross! What are you doin'?
ROSS: Hey, Joey. You wanna open the window?
JOEY: Oh, yeah, I do.
[He opens the window, Ross comes in, soaked湿透的.]
CHAN: What are you doing out there?
ROSS: I am, uh, I am...
MNCA: Oh, you must be freezing(adj.冻坏了). You know what you need? How about a nice steaming cup of hot Mockolate(一杯热腾腾的Mockolate)?
[Ross runs to Rachel's bedroom, knocking on the door.]
ROSS: Rach, come on, open up. Rach, come on, come on, Rach. You got to give me another chance.
[Rachel opens the door.]
RACH: That's what I said.
CHAN: Look, maybe we should go?
RACH: No, you guys, you really don't have to go, we're done talking我们说完了.
ROSS: Rach, come on, look, I know how you must feel.
RACH: [near tears快要哭了] No, you don't, Ross. Imagine the worst things you think about yourself. Now, how would you feel if the one person that you trusted the most in the world not only thinks them too, but actually uses them as reasons not to be with you.如果在这个世界上你最信任的人不只是这样想,而且当作不和你在一起的理由,换了你,你会怎么想?
ROSS: No, but, but I wanna be with you in spite of all those things.
RACH: Oh, well, that's, that's mighty big of you你真是太宽宏大量, Ross. [to the others] I said don't go!
mighty adv.很, 极, 非常/ mighty works n.(《圣经》用语)奇迹/Oh, well, that’s that’s mighty big of you, Ross: To a great degree; extremely bountiful(adj.慷慨的) or generous
ROSS: You know what? You know what? If, things were the other way around the other way around adv.从相反方向地, there's nothing you could put on a list that would ever make me not want to be with you.
If, things were the other way around, there’s nothing you could put on a list that would ever make me not want to be with you: Something reversed in order, relation, or action
RACH: Well, then, I guess that's the difference between us. See, I'd never make a list.
[She closes the door in his face. Ross walks sullenly back to the couch and sits down. A moment of silence ensues跟着发生.]
JOEY: [quietly] I never know how long you're supposed to wait in this type of a situation before you can talk again, you know? [Ross stares blankly (adv.茫然地, 毫无表情地)at him] Maybe a little longer.
[Scene: Mr. Ratstatter's office. Monica is there.]
MNCA: Now, in some of these recipes, the quantities(n.量,数量) may seem just a little unusual, uh, like these coconut mockolate holiday nut bars. (Hands RTST a piece of paper)I've indicated four cups of coconut, and four cups of crushed nut, and only, uh, one tablespoon of mockolate.
coconut n.椰子果/nut bar n.坚果棒/indicate v.需要(配料),指出说明/crushed adj.压碎的,粉碎的/tablespoon n.大汤匙/One tablespoon of mockolate: a large spoon used for serving(上菜,服务)
RTST: Doesn't matter.
MNCA: What?
RTST: Our FDA approval didn't come through. Something about laboratory rats.
come through成功,通过/Our FDA approval didn’t come through: to do what is needed or expected
MNCA: Oh, gosh, I'm sorry.
RTST: Yeah, well, anyhoo, here is your check. [hands it to her] Thank you for all the trouble you went through客套话. Um, listen, you didn't eat a lot of it while you were cooking, did you?
MNCA: Well, uh, I ate some.
RTST: Oh, some, that's fine. Some is fine. Some is not a lot. So, it doesn't burn(v.灼伤to灼痛) when you pee, does it?
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Rachel are there.]
(phone rings)
MNCA: Hello?
[Ross is at his apartment.]
RACH: [to Monica] Is that him again? Tell him I'd come to the phone, but my ankles are weighin' me down.
weigh down v.压低, 过度忧虑/my ankles are weighin' me down我的脚踝太粗了走不动/Tell him I’d come to the phone, but my ankles are weighin’ me down: weigh down means to burden(v.负担) or oppress(v.压迫)
MNCA: [to Ross] Listen, I... I don't think this is the best time.
ROSS: Look, can, can you do something for me?
MNCA: Sure, what? Ok, ok. [hangs up the phone] [to Rachel] Music?
[Monica turns on the radio.]
RADIO: The next one's dedicated to Rachel from Ross. Rachel, he wants you to know he's deeply sorry for what he did and he hopes you can find it in your heart to forgive him. (With or Without You plays)
dedicate to奉献给
[Rachel seems touched被感动了的. She pauses for a moment, then picks up the phone and starts to dial. Cut to Ross at his apartment.]
RADIO: Uh, we've just gotten a call from Rachel, and she told us what Ross did. It's pretty appalling, and Ross, if you're listening, I don't wanna play your song anymore. Why don't we devote our time to a couple that stands a chance? Avery, Michelle's sorry she hit you with her car and she hopes you two will work it out你们俩能解决所有的不愉快.
appall vt.<美>使惊恐,使胆寒/appalling adj.令人震惊的, 骇人听闻的/coupe n.一对(情侣)/stand a chance还有机会/Why don’t we devote our time to a couple that stands a chance: this idiom means to have a chance, as of (在……时)gaining or accomplishing something
[Scene: Mr. Ratstatter's office. Monica is there.]
RTST: Hi, thanks for coming in again谢谢再次光临.
MNCA: Oh, not at all. I have no morals and I need the cash.
RTST: It's like I'm lookin' in a mirror我们真是一丘之貉. Anyway, they're called "fishtachios". They taste exactly like pistachios, but they're made primarily of reconstituted fish bits. Here, try one. You're not allergic to anything, are you?
pistachio n. 【植】阿月浑子树;开心果(阿月浑子树之果实); 淡草绿色/reconstituted adj.再造的,再生的/fish bits鱼碎屑/ They taste exactly like pistachios, but they are made primarily of reconstituted fish bits: pistachios is a nutlike fruit, having an edible, oily(adj.油滑的), green or yellow kernel (硬壳果的)仁; bit means a small fragment(n.碎片) of something broken off from the whole.
MNCA: Cat hair.
RTST: Oh, sorry.


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