

The One Where Rachel and Ross... You Know
Originally written by
Transcribed by Joshua Hodge
Minor additions and adjustments by Dan Silverstein.
215 罗斯和瑞秋生米煮成——
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Joey and Chandler enter with Chandler covering his eyes and Joey leading him.]

JOEY: Alright, no peeking. No peeking, no peeking, no peeking.
no peaking 不准偷看

CHANDLER: Alright, alright, but you better be wearing clothes when I open my eyes.

JOEY: Alright open your eyes. [opens his eyes to see two black leather recliners and a big screen TV]
recline v.<正式>斜倚,靠,躺/recliner n.斜躺者,可躺式椅/ Alright, open your eyes. [Opens his eyes to see two black leather recliners and a big screen TV]: a chair with an adjustable(adj.可调整的) back and footrest(n.脚凳)

CHANDLER: Sweet mother of all that is good and pure.
Sweet mother of all that is good and pure: very good, excellent; COOL

JOEY: Huh? Days of our Lives picked up my option.
option n.选项, 选择权, [经]买卖的特权/pick up my option 和我续签了/ Huh? Days of our Lives picked up my option: The privilege of demanding fulfillment of a contract at a specified time

CHANDLER: Congratulations!

JOEY: I know.

chandler: Now we can finally watch Green Acres the way it was meant to be seen.
acre n.英亩,地产,大片田地/the way it was meant to be seen 比较象样地/Green Acres:乔伊挣钱了,给公寓买了两个沙发和一个新电视,钱德勒说,这下可真的可以好好看看《绿色田野(Green Acres)》了。这是美国六十年代著名的电视剧,剧中有很多令人心旷神怡的农村风光/ Now we can finally watch Green Acres the way it was meant to be seen: Green Acres (1965-71, CBS), a famous US sitcom. In Green Acres, Oliver Wendell Douglas was a successful New York lawyer, who decided to get close to nature and buy a 160-acre(160英亩) run down farm in the Hooterville farming community. Along with him, came his extravagant(adj.奢侈的) wife, Lisa, who wanted nothing to do with farm life, she preferred living in New York. However, she slowly grew to love life on the farm yet she still wore fancy outfits(n.装备to衣装) that she used to wear in New York.

JOEY: Uh-huh.

CHANDLER: So uh, which one is mine?

JOEY: Whichever one you want, man. Whichever one you want. [Chandler starts to sit in one of the chairs] Not that one.

CHANDLER: [sits down] Ohh yes.

JOEY: [sits down] Ohh yeah, that's the stuff这才是生活.

CHANDLER: [reaches for the footrest lever] Do we dare?
reach for伸手拿东西/footrest n.脚凳/lever n.杆, 杠杆, 控制杆

JOEY: We dare.

BOTH: [both extend the footrests] Aaahhhh. [both recline their chairs] AAAAHHHHHH.


[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler and Joey are sitting in their recliners watching TV. Monica, Ross, and Phoebe are there.]

PHOEBE: I can't believe two cows made the ultimate sacrifice so you guys could watch TV with your feet up.
cow:这里指recliner(n.躺椅)/make the ultimate sacrifice最终作出牺牲

CHANDLER: Well they were chair-shaped cows. They never would have survived in the wild.

ROSS: This screen is amazing, I mean Dick Van Dyke is practically life-size.
practically adv.几乎,简直/life-size adj.与实物大小一样的/Dick Van Dyke,Rose Marie:罗斯在夸奖乔伊的新电视屏幕很大,说看起来迪克•范戴克和真人大小一样。范戴克是美国著名的老演员,身材不高。莫尼卡则说看来《罗斯•玛丽》只适合在小屏幕上放,这是美国早期的一本电影。/ This screen is amazing, I mean Dick Van Dyke is practically life-size: Dick Van Dyke was a popular song-and-dance man in 1960s movies like Mary Poppins (1964), Lt. Robin Crusoe, USN (1966, with Nancy Kwan) and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968). On TV he's best known as the star of the much-loved 1960s sitcom The Dick Van Dyke Show (in which Mary Tyler Moore played his wife). Van Dyke has starred in several other TV series, including the 1990s forensic adventure Diagnosis Murder (co-starring Scott Baio).

ALL: Woah!

MONICA: Rose Marie really belongs on a smaller screen, doesn't she?
Rose Marie really belongs on a smaller screen, doesn't she: A famous US actress who created an independent, funny, vulnerable character “Sally Rogers” in The Dick Van Dyke Show. As "Baby Rose Marie," at the age of five, she was signed by NBC to star in her own coast-to-coast radio show. At the age of seven she was sent on the road by NBC just to prove that her deep adult like voice did indeed belong to a child. In 1933 she appeared in her first film, International House with W.C. Fields

[Rachel enters]

RACHEL: Hi you guys.

ALL: Hey.

RACHEL: Hey you.

ROSS: Hey you. [they stand together in front of the TV.]

CHANDLER and JOEY: Woah, hey, yo. [Rachel and Ross move]

RACHEL: So, uh, how was your day?

ROSS: Oh you know, pretty much the usual, uh, sun shining, birds chirping.
pretty much the usual和平时差不多/chrip v.吱喳而鸣, 尖声地说/ Oh you know, pretty much the usual, uh, sun shining, birds chirping: the characteristic short sharp sound especially of a small bird or insect

RACHEL: Really? Mine too.

PHOEBE: Hey cool, mine too.

ROSS: [beeper goes off] Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got to get to the museum. So um, I'll see you tonight.

RACHEL: OK. [they go to kiss but everyone's watching so Ross just kisses her on the top of her head and leaves]

ROSS: Bye guys.

ALL: Bye.

MONICA: [walks up to Rachel in front of the TV] Tonight?

CHANDLER and JOEY: Hey, yo. [they move from out of in front of the TV]

MONICA: What's tonight?

RACHEL: It is our first official date. Our first date.

MONICA: Uh, hello.


MONICA: Tonight you're supposed to waitress for me, my catering thing, any of those words trigger anything for you?
waitress for sb帮我做女服务员/catering n.派对供餐/trigger vt.引发, 引起, 触发n.板机/any of those words trigger anything for you我的这些话有没有使你想起些什么呢

RACHEL: God, oh God Monica, I forgot. This is our first date.

MONICA: Yes but my mom got me this job.

PHOEBE: OK, I can be a waitress, I can be a waitress.

RACHEL: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. See Phoebe, Phoebe.

MONICA: Really Phoebs? Because, you know, you'd have to be an actual waitress. This can't be like your 'I can be a bear cub' thing.
cub n.幼兽,不懂规矩的年轻人/bear cub小熊/ Because, you know, you'd have to be an actual waitress. This can't be like your 'I can be a bear cub' thing: a young carnivorous(adj.食肉动物) mammal(n.哺乳动物) (as a bear, fox, or lion)

PHOEBE: I can be a waitress. OK watch this. Um, gimme two number ones, 86 the bacon, one Adam and Eve on a raft and rick'em土司, la-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la.
number one n.一号餐/86 the bacon 86分熟的培根/raft n.筏, 救生艇, 橡皮船/Adam and Eve on a raft n.熏肉加鸡蛋/ I can be a waitress. OK watch this. Um, gimme two number ones, 86 the bacon, one Adam and Eve on a raft and rick'em: Adam and Eve on a raft is an American diner staff slang for two poached eggs(n.荷包蛋) on toast (POACH v.水煮 是一种以温和的方法保持食材外观的的烹饪方法,水温必须控制约在65度~80度之间 (华氏150度~175度); rick means to pile (as hay n.干草)in ricks.

[Scene: Dr. Burke's apartment. Dr. Burke answers the door for Phoebe and Monica.]

PHOEBE: It's James Bond.

MONICA: Sorry we're late.

DR. BURKE: Ah, that's OK, come on in. Um, I'm sorry, is Monica Geller coming? I was told she was.

MONICA: Dr. Burke, it, it's me.

DR. BURKE: Monica? My God you used to be so. . . I mean you, you, you, you must have lost like. . . You look great.

MONICA: Thank you. This is my friend Phoebe. She's gonna be helping me tonight.

DR. BURKE: Hi Phoebe, nice to meet you. [Phoebe just giggles when they shake] So, how ya been?
giggle v.(at)咯咯地笑,傻笑

MONICA: I've been great, just great. How have you been? [tilting倾斜 her head]

DR. BURKE: Oh, well obviously you know Barbara and I split up分手, otherwise you wouldn't have done the head tilt.

MONICA: The head tilt歪头?

DR. BURKE: Yeah, since the divorce, when anybody asks me how I am, it's always with a sympathetic head tilt. [demonstrating] 'How ya doin'? You OK?'

MONICA: I'm sorry.

DR. BURKE: No no, it, it's fine, believe me. I do it too. I always answer with the 'I'm OK' head bob. [demonstrates] 'I'm OK.' [tilts head] 'You sure?' [bobs head] 'Yeah, I'm fine.' Hey listen, I've got to set up the music. I got a new CD changer, of course the divorce only left me with 4 CD's to change.
bob v.上下或来回的动/head bob点头(=nod)/set up the music放音乐了/CD changer自动换片CD机/ I always answer with the 'I'm OK' head bob: to move up and down in a short quick movement/ I got a new CD changer, of course the divorce only left me with 4 CD's to change: A device which is connected to a stereo system(n.立体音响系统) and allows several music CDs to be played

MONICA: [her and Phoebe tilt their heads] Oh, that's too bad.

DR. BURKE: [bobbing his head] I'll survive死不了的.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. They're still in their chairs watching TV. Chandler is ordering a pizza.]

CHANDLER: Uh, two larges, extra cheese on both. But listen, don't ring the buzzer for 19, ring 20, Geller-Green, they'll let you in, OK. If you buzz our door, there's no tip for you. OK, thanks. Pizza's on the way. I told you we wouldn't have to get up.

JOEY: What if we have to pee?

CHANDLER: I'll cancel the sodas.
soda n.碳酸水

[Scene: Dr. Burke's apartment. Monica and Dr. Burke are in the kitchen.]

MONICA: You've got to get back out there, it's your party.

DR. BURKE: But they're so dull, they're all opthamologists.
opthamologist n.眼科医生/ But they're so dull, they're all ophthalmologists: An ophthalmologist is an eye doctor. This type of doctor helps people with all kinds of eye problems and does surgery on the eye if needed.

MONICA: You're an opthamologist.

DR. BURKE: Only because my parents wanted me to be, I wanted to be a sherrif.
sherrif n.警长/ Only because my parents wanted me to be, I wanted to be a sheriff: an important official of a shire(n.郡) or county charged primarily主要负责 with judicial(adj.司法的,法院的) duties (as executing the processes and orders of courts and judges)

PHOEBE: [entering the kitchen from the party] That's funny, no. Cadillac, cataract, I get it, no I get it, you stay out there.
Cadillac n.卡迪拉克/cataract n.大瀑布, 奔流, 白内障/ That's funny, no. Cadillac, cataract, I get it, no I get it, you stay out there: Cadillac is a large pear(n.梨子), shaped like a flattened top, used chiefly for cooking. Cataract means a clouding of the lens of the eye or of its surrounding transparent membrane(n.隔膜) that obstructs(v.阻碍) the passage of light (白内障)


MONICA: Alright, I'll tell you what这样吧. I'll come get you in 5 minutes with some sort of um, kabob emergency.
kabob n.烤肉串/Alright, I'll tell you what. I'll come get you in 5 minutes with some sort of um, kabob emergency: cubes of meat (as lamb or beef) marinated(adj.浸泡的) and cooked with vegetables usually on a skewer [n.(烤肉用的)串肉扦]

DR. BURKE: OK. You better. Oh God, here we go. Hey wanna see 'em go nuts? Watch this. [grabbing some wine glasses and opening the door to the party] Who needs glasses? [everyone laughs]
guts adj.发狂的

PHOEBE: You are so smitten.
smite v.重击/smitten adj.神魂颠倒的/You are so smitten: affect overwhelmingly with great feeling

MONICA: I am not.

PHOEBE: Oh, you are so much the smitten kitten. You should ask him out.

MONICA: Dr. Burke? I don't think so. I mean, like, he's a grown up.

PHOEBE: So. You two are totally into each other.
be into each other互相着迷/So. You two are totally into each other: slang, means having an enthusiasm for(热爱,热心于); exceedingly(adv.非常地,极度地) interested in

MONICA: Phoebe, he's a friend of my parents. He's like 20 years older than me.

PHOEBE: OK, so what, you're just never gonna see him again?

MONICA: Not never. I mean, I'm gonna see him tomorrow at my eye appointment.

PHOEBE: Didn't you like, just get your eyes checked?

MONICA: Well yeah, but, you know, uh, 27 is a dangerous eye age.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Ross and Rachel are returning from a movie.]

RACHEL: C'mon, I'm not saying it was a bad movie, I'm just saying, you know, it was a little. . . hard to follow.

ROSS: I told you there was going to be sub-titles.
subtitle n.字幕

RACHEL: I know, I just didn't want to wear my glasses on my first date.

[They start kissing.]

RACHEL: Monica.

ROSS: It would really help when I'm kissing you if you didn't shout out my sister's name.
shout out大叫

RACHEL: Honey, I'm just checking.


RACHEL: Monica.

ROSS: Mon.

RACHEL: Monica.

ROSS: Mon.

[Since they're alone they start kissing and Ross's hands work their way down until they're on Rachel's butt. Rachel starts laughing.]

ROSS: What, what.

RACHEL: I'm sorry. Oh God, I'm sorry, it's just that when you moved your hands down to my butt, it was like woah, Ross's hands are on my butt. Sorry.

ROSS: And that's, that's funny why?

RACHEL: Well it's not, honey I'm sorry, I guess I'm just nervous. I mean, it's you, ya know, it's us. I mean, we're crossing that line, sort of a big thing.

ROSS: I, I know it's big, I just didn't know it was uh, ha-ha big.

RACHEL: OK. [start kissing again and Rachel starts lauging again]

ROSS: OK, my hands were no where near your butt.

RACHEL: I know, I know, I know, I know. I was just thinking about when they were there the last time, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. OK, OK, look, woah, I promise, I'm good, I'm not gonna laugh anymore. OK put your hands back there.

ROSS: No see now, now I can't because uh, I'm feeling too self conscious太不自然了
self-conscious adj.(在他人面前)不自然的,神经过敏的
RACHEL: Just one cheek.

ROSS: Nuh, uh, the moment's gone.

RACHEL: Alright, just put your hands out and I'll back up into them.
put out伸出/back up后退

ROSS: That's romantic.

RACHEL: C'mon touch it.


RACHEL: Oh, come on squeeze it.
squeeze v.挤,捏


RACHEL: Rub it.


RACHEL: Oh, come on, would you just grab my ass.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. They are watching a Miracle Wax info-mercial.]
infomercial:Show lasting 28:30 minutes attempting to sell a particular product on television. Most infomercials air in the overnight time periods, but do run all hours of day./ {Chandler and Joey's apartment.} They are watching a Miracle Wax info-mercial: Miracle Wax is a car wax band(n.镶边), a polish which may be in a paste or a cream and used in protecting the finish (精漆) of a car .infomercial is a relatively long commercial in the format(n.总体安排) of a television program

JOEY: Wow, look at that. The car is on fire, yet somehow it's expensive paint job is protected by the Miracle Wax.

CHANDLER: You got a Cheeto on your face man.[Joey removes the Cheeto and eats it]
cheeto n.起士/You got a Cheeto on your face man: cheese flavored snacks

[Ross enters]



JOEY: What're you doin' here? Aren't you supposed to be out with Rachel?

ROSS: That was 14 hours ago.

CHANDLER: So how'd it go?

ROSS: Oh. Listen, have you ever been uh, you know, foolin' around with a girl and uh, she started laughin'?

CHANDLER: Yeah, but uh, it was 1982 and my flock of seagulls haircut was tickling her chin.
flock n.(禽、畜等的)群/seagull海鸥/tickle vt.胳肢, 逗笑, 使高兴, 使发痒/chin n.下巴/Yeah, but uh, it was 1982 and my flock of seagulls haircut was tickling her chin: A Flock of Seagulls is a band(n.乐队), founded by hairdressers(n.理发师) Mike Score (better known for his sloping(adj.倾斜的) haircut than his singing) and Frank Maudsley, and Score's brother Ali; tickle means to touch (as a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic(adj.间歇性的) movements

JOEY: She laughed at you?

ROSS: Yeah. I don't know, I've been wanting this since like ninth grade typing, ya know. And I just want it to be perfect and right and. . . why isn't that laser beam cutting through the paint?
laser n.激光/beam n.(光线的)束, 柱

CHANDLER: It's the Miracle Wax.

JOEY: It certainly is a miracle.

[Rachel enters]

RACHEL: Hi you guys.


ROSS: Hey.

RACHEL: Hi. Listen, I was um, thinkin' about. . .

CHANDLER: Listen can you guys uh, speak up, it's harder for us to hear you when you lower your voice.
speak up大声地说

[Rachel and Ross go out in the hall]

RACHEL: OK, listen, I'm sorry about last night and I really want to make it up to you.
make it up和解,讲和/make it up to补偿

ROSS: No, you, ya know there's no need to make it u. . . how?

RACHEL: Well, I was thinking maybe a um, a romantic dinner with um, candles and wine and then uh, maybe going back to my place for um, dessert.
dessert n.餐后甜点

ROSS: Humm, that sounds, I don't, perfect.

[there's a loud bang(n.重击) at the door so Ross opens it back up to find a shoe has been thrown at it]

RACHEL: What's this.

CHANDLER: Could you get us a couple of beers?

[Scene: Dr. Burke's office. Monica is there for her eye appointment.]

DR. BURKE: I'm going to look into your eyes now.

MONICA: Really.

DR. BURKE: Yeah, that's my job. Alright, look up. . . look down, now open your eyes, now look down. That's right, look into the light. Now look at me. . . OK. Your eyes look good. Those are good eyes.

MONICA: Good, they feel good, in my head.

DR. BURKE: So, it's great to see ya.

MONICA: You too.

DR. BURKE: You too.

MONICA: OK, um. Goodbye.

DR. BURKE: Drops!
drop n.眼药水/ Drops: a solution(n.溶液) for dilating(v.扩大) the pupil(n.瞳孔) of the eye


DR. BURKE: Drops. Here, they're free.

MONICA: Thanks. So, I guess I better be going.

DR. BURKE: Oh, OK, yeah. I'll see ya later.

MONICA: Thanks again.

[He kisses her on the cheek, she returns the kiss, then they embrace in a full on kiss]

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. They're still watching TV. Phoebe stands in front of the TV.]

PHOEBE: We have got to get you lazy boys out of these chairs.

CHANDLER and JOEY: Hey, woah, hey, woah.

PHOEBE: You know you should go outside and be with the three-dimensional people.
three-dimensional adj.三维空间的

JOEY: No, inside good, outside bad.

PHOEBE: You guys are so pathetic, I, oh, OH, XANADU! OH.

CHANDLER: She's one of us now.

[Rachel and Ross enter]

RACHEL: Hi you guys.

ROSS: Hey.


ROSS: Well we just wanted to stop by and uh, say goodnight.

CHANDLER, JOEY, and PHOEBE: Goodnight.

ROSS: Look at that, they won't even turn their heads.

RACHEL: Alright you guys, I'm takin' off my shirt.

JOEY: [uses a dentist mirror to see] Naa, she's lyin'.

[Monica enters carrying food that's been delivered]

MONICA: Stop sending food to our apartment.

ROSS: Well, why're you all dressed up打扮美美的?

PHOEBE: You're not the only one who has a date tonight.

ROSS: What? You have a date? Who with?

MONICA: No one.

ROSS: C'mon, what's his name?

MONICA: Nothing.

ROSS: Come on, tell me.

MONICA: Alright, but I'm very excited about this OK, so you gotta promise you won't get all big-brothery and judgmental.
judgmental adj.审判的

ROSS: Oh, I promise, what.

MONICA: It's Richard Burke.

ROSS: Who's Richard Burke? Doc, Doctor Burke? You have a date with Doctor Burke? Why, why, why should that bother me? I, I love that man, he's like a uh, brother to dad.

MONICA: Well for your information he happens to be one of the brightest, most sophisticated, sexiest men I've ever been with.

ROSS: Doctor Burke is sexy?

RACHEL and PHOEBE: Oh God, absolutely.

ROSS: [his beeper goes off] It's the museum again, can I, oh.

RACHEL: Ya know, Dr. Burke kissed me once.


RACHEL: When I was um, 7, I crashed my bike right out in front of his house and to stop me from crying he kissed me right here. [points to the tip of her nose]

PHOEBE: Oh you are so lucky.

RACHEL: I know.

ROSS: [on the phone] Woah, woah, woah australopithicus isn't supposed to be in that display. No. No. No, n, homo-habilus was erect, australopithicus was never fully erect.
austral adj.南的, 南方的, 澳大利亚的/austral-opithicus n.南方古猿/homo-hailus n.能人/be erect 直立的/ Woah, woah, woah Australopithecus isn't supposed to be in that display. No. No. No, n, homo-habilus was erect, Australopithecus was never fully erect: Australopithecus is an extinct(adj.灭绝的) genus(n.属) of African hominid (南猿非洲 种,不完全直立); homo-habilus is an extinct species of upright east African hominid having some advanced humanlike characteristics (能人,早期的直立猿人)

CHANDLER: Well maybe he was nervous.

[Scene: Museum of Natural History. Ross is fixing a display, Rachel is waiting patiently.]

ROSS: Oh look, I can't believe this. Look, homo-habilus hasn't even learned how to use tools yet and they've got him here wi, with clay pots. Why don't, why don't they just give him a microwave? I'm sorry, I'm sorry this is taking so long, ya know, I, I, it's just it's longer than I expected, we will have dinner.
clay pot陶罐

RACHEL: It's OK, it's fine.


[Ross leaves to find Karl. Rachel takes a peek under the loincloth of one of the display models.]
loins n.腰,腰部/loincloth n.缠腰带/ [Ross leaves to find Karl. Rachel takes a peek under the loincloth of one of the display models.]: a cloth worn about the loins often as the sole(adj.单独的) article of clothing in warm climates(缠腰布)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Monica and Dr. Burke are sitting on the couch. He's showing her the pictures in his wallet.]

MONICA: Wow, is that Michelle?


MONICA: I've not seen her since high school graduation. Oh my God, that night she got so dru. . . motional.
motional adj.运动的to激动的

DR. BURKE: Ya know, she's having another baby.

MONICA: I thought she just had one.

DR. BURKE: No no. Henry's almost two and he's talking and everyting. Here. You know, the other day he told me he liked me better than his other grandpa. Now in all fairness his other grandpa's a drunk but still. . .
in all fairness adv.公平地来说/ Now in all fairness his other grandpa's a drunk but still… : fairness means the ability to make judgments free from discrimination or dishonesty, “In all fairness” is a stylish(adj.流行的) way of saying to be fair.

MONICA: Oh, you're a grandpa.

DR. BURKE: Yeah. Are we nuts here?

MONICA: I don't know, maybe. I mean I'm dating a man who's(=whose) pool I once peed in.

DR. BURKE: I didn't need to know that. I guess 21 years is a lot. I mean, hell, I'm a whole person who can drink older than you比你来了整整一个法定饮酒年龄.



MONICA: So maybe we should just. . .

DR. BURKE: Yeah, yeah, maybe.

MONICA: Wow, this really sucks这太逊了.

DR. BURKE: Yeah, it sure does. [they hug and it turns into a passionate kiss]

MONICA: Well, we don't really have to decide anything right now, do we?

DR. BURKE: No, no, there's no rush or anything.

[knock at the door]

DELIVERY GUY: Pizza delivery.

MONICA: Oh, I'm gonna kill those guys.

[Scene: Museum of Natural History. Ross enters the display where Rachel is waiting.]

ROSS: Rach.


ROSS: I'm done.

RACHEL: Yeah well, you know what, so is uh, Sorentino's.

ROSS: Wha, OK, I'm sorry, let's uh, why don't we find someplace else.

RACHEL: No, you know what, it's late, everything's gonna be closed. Why don't we just do it another night?

ROSS: No, no, we won't.

RACHEL: We won't?

ROSS: [grabs a fur pelt] C'mon.
fur pelt n.毛皮毯/ [grabs a fur pelt] C'mon: the dressed hairy coat of a mammal(n.哺乳动物)

RACHEL: OK, that's dead right?

[Scene: The museum planetarium. Ross and Rachel enter on stage.]
planetarium n.行星仪, 天文馆/ [Scene: The museum planetarium. Ross and Rachel enter on stage.]:a building housing an instrument for projecting(v.投射,放映) the positions of the planets onto a domed ceiling (天文馆)

RACHEL: What is this? What are we doing?

ROSS: Shh. Do you want cran-apple or cran-grape?

RACHEL: Grape.

ROSS: [spreads the pelt on the floor] OK, now, sit. OK. [he starts the music system]

RACHEL: Oh, God.

[The stereo system booms out 'Billions of years ago. . .'. Ross gets up and changes it to music.]
stereo system n.立体音响系统/boom out 用低沉地声音说出

ROSS: Sorry.

RACHEL: Ah, so what are we looking at?

ROSS: Well uh, you see that, that little cluster of stars next to the big one? That is Ursa Major.
cluster n.串, 丛/cluster of stars一小堆星星/Ursa Major大熊(星)座/Ursa Minor小熊(星)座/ Well uh, you see that, that little cluster of stars next to the big one? That is Ursa Major: Ursa Major is a constellation(n.星座) visible throughout the year in the Northern Hemisphere(n.半球). Its name means "Great Bear" in Latin, and is derived from the legend of Callisto[<天>木卫四]

RACHEL: Really?
ROSS: I've no idea, could be. Listen, I'm sorry I had to work tonight.

RACHEL: Oh it's OK. You were worth the wait, and I don't just mean tonight. [they kiss]

ROSS: You're not laughing.

RACHEL: This time it's not so funny.

[They kiss and start undressing. As Rachel tries to pull off Ross's tie she catches it in his mouth. Then they roll across the fur rug.]
undress vt.脱衣服/rug n.垫子,(小)地毯

RACHEL: Ah, oh God. Oh, honey, oh that's OK.

ROSS: What. Oh no, you just rolled over the juice box.
roll over (睡时)翻身,反侧to压到

RACHEL: Oh, thank God.

[Scene: Museum of Natural History. The next morning Rachel and Ross are sleeping in the display under a fur.]
Natural History n.博物学


RACHEL: Hi you. I can't believe I'm waking up next to you.

ROSS: I know it is pretty unbelievaaaaah.


ROSS: We're not alone. [A church youth group is outside the display watching them]


[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. They are still in their chairs, watching Beavis and Butthead.]
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. They are still in their chairs, watching Beavis and Butthead.]:a famous American Cartoon series瘪四与大头三

[they're laughing along with the show when an alarm goes off]
along with连同...一起, 随同...一起

JOEY: Is that the fire alarm?

CHANDLER: Yeah. [feels the floor] Oh it's not warm yet, we still have time.

JOEY: Cool.


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