

The One With the Blackout
Written by: Jeffrey Astrof and Mike Sikowitz.
Transcribed by: Ruth Curran
107 停电
[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is introducing Phoebe, who is playing her guitar for the crowd.]
Rachel: Everybody? Shh, shhh. Uhhh... Central Perk is proud to present the music of Miss Phoebe Buffay.
present vt.介绍, 引见, 给, 赠送, 上演, 提出, 呈现
Phoebe: Hi. Um, I want to start with a song thats about that moment when you suddenly realize what life is all about. OK, here we go. (plays a chord, then the lights go out) OK, thank you very much.
chord n.弦, 和音, 情绪/go out熄灭
[Scene: The ATM vestibule of a bank, Chandler is inside. The lights go out, and he realizes he is trapped inside.]
ATM:Automatic Teller Machine自动取款机/vestibule n.门廊, 前厅
Chandler: Oh, great. This is just...
(Chandler sees that there is a gorgeous model inside the vestibule with him. He makes a gesture of quiet exuberance.)
exuberance n.茂盛, 丰富, 健康/ a gesture of quiet exuberance内容相当丰富的一个手势.
Opening Credits
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica is on the phone with her mother. Phoebe, Rachel, and Ross are there.]
Rachel: Wow, this is so cool, you guys. The entire city is blacked out!
black out v.灯火管制, 熄灯, 停止, 中断 to停电/ Wow, this is so cool, you guys. The entire city is blacked out!: “black out”停电、熄灯、停止和中断的意思,这一集一开始,整个纽约市都断电了,还真是酷耶。关于black还有一些词组需要掌握,black and white:白纸黑字,类似的还有混淆是非(call/make black white);bule and white青一块紫一块;black book/list 黑名单等等。
Monica: Mom says it's all of Manhattan, parts of Brooklyn and Queens, and they have no idea when it's coming back on.
Rachel: Wow, you guys, this is big.
Monica: (into phone) Pants and a sweater? Why, mom? Who am I gonna meet in a blackout? Power company guys? Eligible looters? Could we talk about this later? OK. (hangs up)
power company n.电力公司/loot v.掠夺, 抢劫, 劫掠n.掠夺物, 战利品, 抢劫/looter n.打劫者/eligible adj.符合条件的,合格的/eligible looter符合资格的趁火打劫者
Phoebe: Can I borrow the phone? I want to call my apartment and check on my grandma. (to Monica) What's my number?
(Monica and Rachel look at Phoebe strangely.)
Phoebe: Well, I never call me.
[Scene: ATM vestibule, Jill Goodacre is on the cellular phone手机. Chandler's thoughts are in italics斜体字.]
Chandler: Oh my God, it's that Victoria's Secret model. Something... something Goodacre.
Jill: (on phone) Hi Mom, it's Jill.
Chandler: She's right, it's Jill. Jill Goodacre. Oh my God. I am trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre! (pause) Is it a vestibule? Maybe it's an atrium. Oh, yeah, that is the part to focus on, you idiot!
vestibule n.前厅/atrium n.中厅
Jill: (on phone) Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just stuck at the bank, in an ATM vestibule.
Chandler: Jill says vestibule... I'm going with vestibule.
Jill: (on phone) I'm fine. No, I'm not alone... I don't know, some guy.
Chandler: Oh! Some guy. Some guy. 'Hey Jill, I saw you with some guy last night. Yes, he was some guy.
(Chandler strides proudly across the vestibule and Jill stares at him.)
stride v.大步走(过), 跨过, 大步行走n.步幅
[Scene: Monica's apartment, Joey enters with a menorah, the candles lit.]
menorah n.( 犹太教)七/九灯的烛台
Joey: Hi everyone.
Ross: And officiating at tonight's blackout, is Rabbi Tribbiani.
officiate v.行使,主持(+at=preside)/rabbi n.拉比(犹太人的学者), 法学博士, 法师, 先生
Joey: Well, Chandler's old roomate was Jewish, and these are the only candles we have, so... Happy Chanukah, everyone.
Jewish adj.犹太人的, 犹太族的/Chanukah n.光明节(犹太人一纪念节日)
光明节与九座烛台:光明节为期八天,约在每年十二月初,是为了纪念当初犹太祖先夺回耶路撒冷圣殿,当时在圣殿献灯的灯油,原本只能燃烧一天,最后却燃烧了八天的奇迹。犹太人会从光明节第一天起,在九座烛台上依次由右至左,一天插上一支蜡烛,直到第八天八根蜡烛一起为止,而中央的蜡烛则是专供引火之用。过节期间,亲友都会团聚一堂,目睹点燃烛火并一起祷告。而Joey 把这些具有宗教意义的烛台点燃,只为了应付停电之需,跟它本身神圣的意义形成强烈的对比,所以Ross 才开玩笑称他为“犹太教士(拉比)”Rabbi。
Phoebe: (at window) Eww, look. Ugly Naked Guy lit a bunch of candles.
(They all look at the window, grossed out***, then flinch in pain.)
gross adj.总的, 毛重的n.总额/flinch vi.畏缩, 退缩, 畏首畏尾n.退缩, 畏缩
Rachel: That had to hurt!那一定很疼
[Scene: ATM vestibule.]
Chandler: Alright, alright, alright. It's been fourteen and a half minutes and you still have not said one word. Oh God, do something. Just make contact, smile!
(Chandler smiles at her, she smiles back sweetly.)
Chandler: There you go!
(He continues to smile like an idiot, and she looks frightened.)
Chandler: You're definitely scaring here.
Jill: (awkwardly) Would you like to call somebody? (offering phone)
Chandler: Yeah, about 300 guys I went to high school with. Yeah, thanks. (takes phone)
went to准备做,有助于
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, The phone rings; it's Chandler.]
Monica: Hello?
Chandler: Hey, it's me.
Monica: (to everyone) It's Chandler! (on phone) Are you OK?
Chandler: Yeah, I'm fine. (trying to cover up掩盖what he is saying) I'm trppd in an ATM vstbl wth Jll Gdcr.
Monica: What?
Chandler: I'm trppd... in an ATM vstbl... wth Jll Gdcr!
Monica: I have no idea what you just said.
Chandler: (angry) Put Joey on the phone.
Joey: What's up man?
Chandler: I'm trppd... in an ATM vstbl... wth JLL GDCR.
Joey: (to everyone) Oh my God! He's trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre! (on phone) Chandler, listen. (says something intentionally garbled)
intentionally adv.有意地,故意地/garble vt.断章取义, 混淆(视听)
Chandler: Yeah, like that thought never entered my mind.
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, time has passed. The five are sitting around the coffee table talking.]
Rachel: Alright, somebody.
Monica: OK, I'll go. OK, senior大四 year of college... on a pool table.
pool n.撞球/pool table n.有六个落袋的撞球台./ Monica: OK, I'll go. OK, senior year of college... on a pool table.常常在英语角碰到人介绍自己时候说是Grade one or two之类的,其实大学几年级有更地道的说法,freshman->一年级,sophomore->二年级,junior->三年级,senior->大四,研究生是postgraduate,博士生是phd,还有人往往介绍自己直博了,个人认为如下说法比较合适:be nominated to be a phd candidate directly,在有些学校介绍硕博连读的网页上,还有如下表述direct-promotion program for PHD diploma..还常常有ABD来代表在读的博士生或者准博士。值得注意的是国外大学一般很少有授予硕士学位,不像国内。
All: Whoooaa!
Ross: That's my sister.
Joey: OK... my weirdest place would have to be... the women's room女厕所 on the second floor of the New York CIty public library.
Monica: Oh my God! What were you doing in a library?
Ross: Pheebs, what about you?
Phoebe: Oh... Milwaukee.
Rachel: Um... Ross?
Ross: Disneyland, 1989, 'It's a Small World After All.'
It's a Small World After All:这是迪斯尼乐园“奇幻王国”的一个旅游项目“小世界”,人们坐着船顺着水道漂行,岸两边有机械控制的小人载歌载舞,服装和背景反映世界各国的风貌。剧中罗斯回忆自己最古怪的做爱地点时选择了这里,1989年他和卡罗尔去迪斯尼,因为机械故障,“小世界”停了下来,罗斯就和卡罗尔爬到一群荷兰小人后面去做爱,但就在这个过程中,机械故障被修好了。结果是:罗斯和卡罗尔成为“奇幻王国”不受欢迎的人,被要求再也不许去那里玩。
All: No way!
Ross: The ride骑马设施 broke down出故障. So, Carol and I went behind a couple of两个,几个 those mechanical Dutch children... then they fixed the ride, and we were asked never to return to the Magic Kingdom.
Dutch n.荷兰人, 荷兰语adj.荷兰的, <俚> 德国的, 条顿民族的
Phoebe: Oh, Rachel.
Rachel: Oh come on, I already went.
Monica: You did not go!
All: Come on.
Rachel: Oh, alright. The weirdest place would have to be... (sigh)... oh, the foot of the bed床角.
Ross: Step back请退后.
Joey: We have a winner!
[Time lapse, Ross and Rachel are talking, Joey is on the couch, and Monica and Phoebe are out of the room.]
Rachel: I just never had a relationship(恋爱)关系 with that kind of passion, you know, where you have to have somebody right there你突然感到欲火中烧, in the middle of a theme park.
theme park n.(游乐园中的)主题乐园
Ross: Well, it was the only thing to do there that didn't have a line.
have a line[口]取得关于...的情报,打听明白(某人或某事)
Rachel: There, well, see? Barry wouldn't even kiss me on a miniature golf小小高尔夫 course.
Ross: Come on.
Rachel: No, he said we were holding up阻挡 the people behind us.
Ross: (sarcastically) And you didn't marry him because...?
Rachel: I mean, do you think there are people who go through life never having that kind of...
Ross: Probably. But you know, I'll tell you something. Passion is way overrated激情被过度重视.
overrate v.对……估价过高/ Passion is way overrated:Rachel说了自己对于Passion的看法,Ross认为她过高估计了Passion,什么是Passion?Passion是一种非常强烈的感情,炽热的激情,不仅仅是喜爱,也可以是憎恨、厌恶。例如:He's been known to fly into a passion without warning.意思是他以动不动就发火而闻名。Way overrated,overrate对什么估计高了,前面加上一个way,就是估计的过高了的意思,way这里作副词,表示远远地、大大地。记得在《Sleepless in Seattle》里面,出现了一个way stupid,意思是太蠢了,蠢的够可以。
Rachel: Yeah right.
Ross: It is. Eventually, it kind of... burns out. But hopefully, what you're left with is trust, and security, and... well, in the case of my ex-wife, lesbianism. So, you know, for all of those people who miss out on that passion... thing, there's all that other good stuff.
burn out v.烧坏, 烧掉, 烧尽/security n.安全感/lesbianism n.女同志主义,女性同性恋关系/miss out遗漏
Rachel: (sigh) OK.
Ross: But, um... I don't think that's going to be you.
Rachel: You don't.
Ross: Uh-uh. See, I see.... big passion in your future.
Rachel: Really?
Ross: Mmmm.
Rachel: You do?
Ross: I do.
Rachel: Oh Ross, you're so great. (she playfully rubs his head and gets up)
playfully adv开玩笑地/rub v.擦,摩擦
(Ross gets up, pleased with himself.)
Joey: It's never gonna happen.
Ross: (innocently无罪地,天真地,单纯地) What?
Joey: You and Rachel.
Ross: (acts surprised) What? (pause) Why not?
Joey: Because you waited too long to make your move, and now you're in the friend zone朋友区.
Ross: No, no, no. I'm not in the zone.
Joey: Ross, you're mayor市长 of the zone.
Ross: I'm taking my time, alright? I'm laying the groundwork. Yeah. I mean, every day I get just a little bit closer to...
take one's time从容不迫,静观其变/groundwork n.地基, 基础, 根基
Joey: Priesthood! Look Ross, I'm telling you, she has no idea what you're thinking. If you don't ask her out soon you're going to end up stuck in the zone forever.
priesthood n.教士, 僧侣, 神父/end up stuck in以陷在……告终
Ross: I will, I will. See, I'm waiting for the right moment. (Joey looks at him) What? What, now?
Joey: Yeeeeaaaahhh! What's messing you up? The wine? The candles? The moonlight? You've just got to go up to her and say, 'Rachel, I think that...' (Rachel comes into the room behind them)
mess up v.搞糟, 陷入困境, 粗暴地处理
Ross: Shhhh!
Rachel: What are you shushing?
shush int.嘘!n.嘘声
Ross: We're shushing... because... we're trying to hear something. Listen. (everyone is silent) Don't you hear that?
Rachel: Ahhhh!
Ross: See?
Rachel: Huh. (she agrees, but looks very confused)
[Scene: ATM vestibule.]
Jill: Would you like some gum口香糖?
Chandler: Um, is it sugarless?
Jill: (checks) Sorry, it's not.
Chandler: Oh, then no thanks. What the hell was that? Mental note: If Jill Goodacre offers you gum, you take it. If she offers you mangled animal carcass, you take it.
mangle vt.乱砍, 撕裂, 破坏, 毁损, 损坏, 轧布/carcass n.(屠宰后)畜体
[Scene: Monica's apartment, Phoebe is singing.]
Phoebe: (singing) New York City has no power, and the milk is getting sour发酸的. But to me it is not scary引起恐慌的, 'cause I stay away from dairy奶制品.... la la la, la la, la la... (she writes the lyrics down)
lyric n.抒情诗/lyrics n.歌词
Ross: (to Joey) OK, here goes.
Joey: Are you going to do it?
Ross: I'm going to do it.
Joey: Do you want any help?
Ross: You come out there你出来当电灯泡, you're a dead man你就死定了.
Joey: Good luck, man.
Ross: Thanks. (Joey hugs him) OK.
Joey: OK. (Ross goes out on the balcony阳台 to talk to Rachel)
(Monica walks in, starts to go out on the balcony.)
Joey: Hey, where are you going?
Monica: Outside.
Joey: You can't go out there.
Monica: Why not?
Joey: Because of... the reason.
Monica: And that would be?
Joey: I, um, can't tell you.
Monica: Joey, what's going on?
Joey: OK, you've got to promise that you'll never, ever tell Ross that I told you.
Monica: About what?
Joey: He's planning your birthday party.
Monica: Oh my God! I love him!
Joey: (as Phoebe enters) You'd better act surprised.
Phoebe: About what?
Monica: My surprise party!
Phoebe: What surprise party?
Monica: Oh stop it别装蒜了. Joey already told me.
Phoebe: Well, he didn't tell me.
Joey: Hey, don't look at me. This is Ross's thing.
Phoebe: This is so typical. I'm always the last one to know everything.
Monica: No, you are not. We tell you stuff.
Phoebe: Yuh-huh! I was the last one to know when Chandler got bitten by the peacock孔雀 at the zoo. I was the last one to know when you had a crush on Joey when he was moving in. (Monica gestures at Phoebe to shut up; Joey looks surprised but pleased) Looks like I was second to last倒数第二.
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's Balcony, Ross and Rachel are talking.]
Rachel: Hmmm... this is so nice.
Ross: OK, I have a question. Well, actually, it's not so much a question as.. more of更是 a general wondering普通的好奇... ment.
Rachel: OK.
Ross: OK. Here goes. For a while now, I've been wanting to, um....
Rachel: Ohhh!!!! (looking at something behind Ross)
Ross: Yes, yes, that's right...
Rachel: Oh, look at the little cat! (a small kitten is on the roof behind Ross)
Ross: What? (the cat jumps on his shoulders) Ow!
[Cut to inside. Monica, Joey and Phoebe are singing while outside, Ross and Rachel are trying to get the cat off of Ross' shoulder.]
Monica, Joey, and Phoebe: (singing) I'm on top of the world, looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find, is the wonders I've found ever since...
on top of the world adv.<口>幸福到极点, 心满意足, 处于最佳职位/look down on v.轻视,看不起
Commercial Break
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Phoebe is holding the cat, Monica is treating the scratches抓伤 on Ross' back. Joey is holding the menorah over the wound.]
Monica: (to Ross) This is just Bactine. It won't hurt.
(Ross flinches退缩 in pain.)
Joey: Sorry, that was wax蜡.
Phoebe: Oh, poor little Tooty is scared to death怕得要死. We should find his owner.
toot n.嘟嘟声/Tooty n.小猫
Ross: Why don't we just put 'poor little Tooty' out in the hall?
Rachel: During a blackout? He'd get trampled!
trample n.踩踏, 蹂躏v.践踏, 踩坏, 轻视
Ross: (nonchalantly) Yeah?
nonchalatnely=indifferently adj.漠不关心地,冷淡地
[Scene: ATM vestibule.]
Chandler: You know, on second thought, gum would be perfection. (Jill gives him a stick of gum, and a strange look) 'Gum would be perfection'? 'Gum would be perfection.' Could have said 'gum would be nice,' or 'I'll have a stick,' but no, no, no, no. For me, gum is perfection. I loathe myself.
second thought=rethink重新考虑/perfection n.绝佳的选择/a stick of gum一片口香糖/loathe v.憎恨,厌恶
[Scene: The hallway走廊 of Monica's building. Phoebe and Rachel are trying to find the cat's owner.]
Phoebe: (stops at a door) Oh no, the Mendels, they hate all living things, right?
Rachel: Oh. (they knock at the next door, Mr. Heckles answers) Hi. We just found this cat and we're looking for the owner.
Mr. Heckles: Er, yeah, it's mine.
Phoebe: (trying to hold back阻止 the struggling挣扎的 cat) He seems to hate you. Are you sure?
Mr. Heckles: Yeah, it's my cat. Give me my cat.
Phoebe: Wait a minute. What's his name?
Mr. Heckles: Ehhhh... B-Buttons.
Rachel: Bob Buttons?
Mr. Heckles: Mmm. Bob Buttons. Here, Bob Buttons.
Phoebe: (the cat runs away from her) Oooh! You are a very bad man!
Mr. Heckles: (as Phoebe and Rachel leave) You owe me a cat.
[Scene: Rachel has gone off on her own独自进行 to look for the cat's owner.]
Rachel: Here, kitty-kitty. Here kitty-kitty. Where did you go, little kitty-kitty-kitty? Here kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty...
(While looking at the floor for the cat, Rachel runs into a pair of legs. She slowly gets up and sees a gorgeous Italian hunk holding the cat. Who, by the way, you'll hate very, very soon. The man. Not the cat.)
run into v.跑进, 撞上, 偶遇, 陷入, 达到
Paolo: (something Italian)
Rachel: Wow. (she exhales in amazement, blowing the candle out)
exhale v.呼气/blow out v.吹熄, 爆裂
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Ross, Monica, and Joey are playing Monopoly强手棋.]
Ross: (rolling) Lucky sixes幸运六....
Rachel: (entering with Paolo, arm in arm臂挽臂) Everybody, this is Paolo. Paolo, I want you to meet my friends. This is Monica.
Monica: (smitten) Hi!
smite v.重击/smitten adj.着迷的
Rachel: And Joey....
Monica: Hi!
Rachel: And Ross.
Monica: Hi!
Paolo: (something in Italian)
Rachel: (proudly) He doesn't speak much English.
Paolo: (pointing at game) Monopoly!
Rachel: Look at that!
Ross: (jealous) So, um... where did Paolo come from?
Rachel: Oh... Italy, I think.
Ross: No, I mean tonight, in the building. Suddenly. Into our lives.
Rachel: Well, the cat... the cat turned out to be Paolo's cat!
Ross: That, that is funny... (to Joey).... and Rachel keeps touching摸 him.
(Phoebe enters.)
Phoebe: Alright. I looked all over the building and I couldn't find the kitty anywhere.
Rachel: Oh, I found him. He was Paolo's cat.
Phoebe: Ah! Well! There you go又是这样! Last to know again! And I'm guessing... since nobody told me... this is Paolo.
Rachel: Ah, Paolo, this is Phoebe.
Paolo: (something in Italian, he is apparently attracted to Phoebe)
Phoebe: (smiling) You betcha!
betcha=bet you [俗]当然, 真的, 的确,没错
[Scene: ATM vestibule.]
Chandler: (chewing gum) Ah, let's see. What next? Blow a bubble. A bubble's good. It's got a... boyish charm男性魅力, it's impish=naughty顽皮的. Here we go.
(Chandler waits until Jill is looking, then starts to blow a bubble吹泡泡. But instead of blow one, he accidentally意外地 spits the gum out of his mouth and hits the wall.)
Chandler: Nice going吹得可真好, imp小鬼,顽童. OK, it's OK. All I need to do is reach over把手伸过去 and put it in my mouth. (Chandler slyly grabs the gum from the wall and slides it back in his mouth.)
slyly adv.狡猾地, 奸诈地, 秘密地, 顽皮地
Chandler: Good save! We're back on track, and I'm... (grimacing脸部扭曲) ..chewing someone else's gum. This is not my gum. Oh my God! Oh my God! And now you're choking哽住, 使呼吸困难.
(Chandler starts to choke.)
Jill: Are you alright?
(Chandler tries to save face and makes the 'OK' sign with his hands, while obviously unable to breathe.)
Jill: My God, you're choking! (she runs over and gives him the Heimlich, the gum flies from his mouth) That better?
Heimlich maneuver.<美>[医]海姆利克氏操作法/还记得上次介绍的maneuver么,Heimlich就是医生们的一个maneuver ,海姆利克氏操作法,Heimlich手法具体操作方法如下:当患者突然发生呼吸道异物导致窒息时,立即使其弯腰前倾,术者立于患者背后,两手合拢抱住患者,其中一手握拳,在患者上腹部用力猛的向上提,借助胃泡内及肺内残留气体被挤出时产生的推力和患者上半部躯体倒悬时产生的对异物的重力,将气管内或卡在会厌部位的异物推出,从而挽救患者的生命。Heimlich情急之中无意间发明此法,第一位获救者是他的妻子,目前此法在美国已家喻户晓,常组织有数万人参加的演练。这里Jill就用这种方法救了Chandler一命。
Chandler: (gasping) Yes... thank you. That was... that was....
Jill: Perfection?
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel and Paolo are at the window. Ross and Joey are watching disgustedly厌烦地.]
Paolo: (something romantic in Italian about Rachel and the stars)
Ross: (mocking 嘲笑,嘲弄 Paolo) Blah blah blah, blah blah blah... blah blaaaaaah....
(Rachel walks away from Paolo, laughing.)
Ross: Wha-What did he say that was so funny?
Rachel: I have absolutely no idea.
Ross: That's... that's classic女人都这样.
Rachel: (to Monica and Phoebe) Oh my God, you guys, what am I doing? What am I doing? This is so un-me这太不像我了!
Monica: If you want, I'll do it.
(Ross looks at Joey.)
Phoebe: I know, I just want to bite his bottom lip下嘴唇. (Rachel looks at her) But I won't.
Rachel: God, the first time he smiled at me... those three seconds were more exciting than three weeks in Bermuda with Barry.
Bermuda n.百慕大群岛(北大西洋西部群岛)
Phoebe: You know, did you ride mopeds? 'Cause I've heard... (they stare at her)... oh, I see... it's not about that right now. OK.
moped n.机动脚踏两用车
Rachel: Y'know, I know it's totally superficial and we have absolutely nothing in common, and we don't even speak the same language but Goooooooddddddd....
superficial adj.表面的, 肤浅的, 浅薄的
[Cut to the other side of the apartment, Ross has gone over to straighten things out with Paolo.]
straighten v.(使)变直,(使)变平整/straighten out v.改正,清理,澄清=clarify
Ross: Paolo. Hi.
Paolo: Ross!
(Ross notices that Paolo is standing on a step, which makes him taller. Ross gets up on the same step so he can look down at Paolo.)
Ross: Listen. Um, listen. Something you should... know... um, Rachel and I... we're kind of a thing.
Paolo: Thing?
Ross: Thing, yes. Thing.
Paolo: Ah, you... have the sex?
Ross: No, no, no. Technically the... sex is not... being had, but that's... see, that's not the point. See, um, the point is that... Rachel and I should be, er, together. You know, and if you get in the.... um...
Paolo: Bed?
Ross: No, no, that's not where I was going. Er, if you get in the... way, of us becoming a thing, then I would be, well, very sad.
Paolo: Oh!
Ross: Yeah! Se vice?
Paolo: Si.
意大利语Si = yes
Ross: So you do know a little English.
Paolo: Poco... a leetle.
Ross: Do you know the word crapweasel?
crap n.废物/weasel n.狼, 狡猾的人, 告密者/crapweasel n.白痴,浑蛋
Paolo: No.
Ross: That's funny, because you know, you are a huge crapweasel!
(They hug.)
[Scene: ATM vestibule, Chandler and Jill are sitting below the counter with two pens dangling from their chains in front of them. Jill is showing Chandler how to swing摇摆,旋转 the pen around his head.]
Jill: Chandler, we've been here for an hour doing this! Now watch, it's easy.
Chandler: OK.
Jill: Ready? (she swings the pen around her head in a circle)
in a circle呈圆形, 作环状, 围着..., 用循环论证法(论证)
(Chandler tries to do the same thing but the pen hits him in the head.)
Jill: No, you've got to whip it.
whip v.鞭打, 抽打, 突然移动 n.鞭子, 车夫
(He swings the pen hard, and it snaps back and almost hits him again.)
snap back v.迅速跳回, 很快恢复, 反驳说
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the gang is all sitting around the table.]
Phoebe: Oh, look look look. The last candle's about to burn out. 10, 9, 8, 7... (time lapse)... negative(=minus负的) 46, negative 47, negative 48.... (someone blows it out, the room gets completely dark)
Ross: Thank you.
Phoebe: Thanks.
Ross: Kinda... spooky without any lights.
spooky adj.<非正>吓人的,幽灵般的, 怪异的, 神经质的
Joey: (does a maniacal laugh) Bwah-hah-hah!
mania n.躁狂/maniacal adj.发狂的, 狂乱的
(Everyone starts to imitate him.)
Ross: OK, guys, guys? I have the definitive one. Mwwwooooo-hah-hah...
(The lights come back on, and Rachel and Paolo are making out表示亲热的关系. Ross clutches his chest.)
make out v.书写, 填写, 拼凑, 进展, 说明, 设法应付, 理解, 辨认出,做,了解/clutch v.抓住, 攫住n.离合器
Ross: Oh.. oh... oh.
Joey: Hey Ross. This probably isn't the best time to bring it up, but you have to throw a party for Monica.
bring up v.教育, 培养, 提出
Closing Credits
[Scene: ATM vestibule, the power has come back on.]
Jill: Well, this has been fun.
Chandler: Yes. Yes, thanks for letting me use your phone... and for saving my life.
Jill: Well, goodbye Chandler. I had a great blackout. (she kisses him on the cheek面颊) See ya.
(She leaves. Chandler presses his face to the glass door after her, stroking抚摸 the window lovingly充满爱意地. He then turns to the security camera and starts talking to it.)
Chandler: Hi, um, I'm account number帐号 7143457. And, uh, I don't know if you got any of that, but I would really like a copy of the tape.


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